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Tuesday Tips

Last week I covered theme so this week let’s cover…décor.

*Heartfelt Sigh*I love decorating. I especially like decorating for parties. You can be outrageous or classy or crafty and fun for just a day. Always wanted to dip dye your world pink but didn’t want to live with a constant headache? Have a Pretty in Pink party and go for it.

Once you have your theme worked out- shop around, pin, and Google until you’re ready to put your thoughts into action. I personally like to have at least one thing hanging from the ceiling (or tree if you’re outdoors) to add some visual height. I also like to use general decorations in specific colors to supplement the theme. Flowers, lanterns, balloons, wreaths, ribbon, streamers, and even food can be made in whatever color you’d like. If you’re feeling crafty there’s a plethora of ideas out there. Plus side- handmade crafts are generally cost-effective and more personal. If you’re looking to buy materials, my two go-to stores are Party City and Oriental Trading Co. Both are fairly cheap and there is so much good stuff! (These are also good places to look if you know you want to throw a party but aren’t set on a theme yet).

Let’s practice shall we? Yesterday, July 23 was “Ride the Wind” day. How fun would it be to have a wind party? Mine would draw inspiration from…..


Wind chimes- I LOVE wind chimes. We have an awesome wooden elephant one from World Market. This one is so pretty!
Paragliding- How fun would it be to hang mini gliders from the ceiling? Perhaps make them from scrapbook paper? In love already.
Pinwheels- I would make miniature pinwheels and place them in cupcakes. Kids (and adults) would have fun blowing the pinwheels around.
Sailboats- Oh Happy Day did such a good job making these edible sailboats. Adorable!
Kites- We had a guest speaker at church on Sunday from Improbable Philanthropy who just happened to read The Boy, the Kite, and the Wind and it was so sweet it gave me chills! Not only would I hang kites from the ceiling, I would also make sugar cookie kites, give away kite party favors and read The Boy, the Kite, and the Wind if I were at a kids party. Heck if I was throwing a small children’s party I would probably give the book as favors. 100% of the profit goes to charity after all.
Fans- Ok so no fun picture here- but I would totally put up some streamers (doorways at least) and put small fans around the rooms. Can you imagine the kites, gliders, and streamers going in the man-made wind? I can. And I think it’d be fun.
Capes- Again- if this were a kids party, who wouldn’t want an awesome cape?
Final touches? A few awesome windy photos hanging on the wall. Maybe labeling each corner in a square room as N, S, E, and W. with something like this?       126016Of course this post is driving me crazy since the colors are all over the place, but the real deal would be more coherent. Anyways- just some thoughts! Geeze this is a long one- Congratulations if you made it to the end!!


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