How on earth does one come up with a “Rainbow Owl” party theme? Well…if you can follow my train of thought then it went a little something like this. I threw the idea about going to a painting class to Nicole (the honorable pregnant woman), who said she’d love to paint an owl or some sort of nature picture for the baby room. Unfortunately, the painting classes scheduled for July on the days we had available didn’t include owls or nature! If you know me, you know I LOVE birds, so incorporating owls into the theme was not a problem. Also during that conversation I asked Nicole if they had a theme for their baby room. She said they had no particular theme and were just going “rainbow”. Ta-da! Sometimes my tangential thoughts take me fun places. There’s surprisingly a lot of fun rainbow ideas. The ones below are too cute, but they didn’t quite make the cut for this party. Click on the pictures if you’d like to see more. Hint: some of the pictures lead to fun tutorials

I so love the idea of having people bring books to a baby shower! Look how fun this is. I wish I would’ve seen it earlier.
Ummm just for fun….”whooaaa it’s so intense. WHOOAAAHAHHAAA. OOO YEAHHHHHH” “Full on double rainbow across the sky. What does this mean? It’s so bright and vivid!”
Hahaha okay I’m done.
I so love the idea of having people bring books to a baby shower! Look how fun this is. I wish I would’ve seen it earlier.
Ummm just for fun….”whooaaa it’s so intense. WHOOAAAHAHHAAA. OOO YEAHHHHHH” “Full on double rainbow across the sky. What does this mean? It’s so bright and vivid!”
Hahaha okay I’m done.
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