Well, this week wasn’t quite as easy as the week before. Hence, the late post. Yes I’m glad to be home, but things went very awry much of the week. Josh didn’t come home on time any day, and to be honest one of those days while the dinner timer was going off and Eli was screaming for dinner in his high-chair, Kito decided his antibiotic wasn’t agreeing with him and proceeded to vomit…5 times. I may have cried. Eli was teething on top of that so sleeplessness was in the mix and our schedule got thrown off by doctor appointments and such. I’d much rather have things go as planned, but what can you do? Still- I feel like my compassion and ‘spark’ are coming back slowly.

What we Bought: Little yums teething biscuits and new diaper bag
Most Awkward Moment: Eli pushed the shred box over and used it as a step so he can prop himself up and see outside. I was in the room! He was just so fast.
Best Moment: Any of his very clingy hugs! He just loves you so much and you know it.
Useless purchases: Our old diaper bag broke in two places! Before we even used it once the wipe holder broke. That was okay, I mean- you can manage. Then about a month ago the part that hangs from a hook broke off. Not happy.
Invaluable purchases: His white noise maker! He’s snoring away right now while Josh puts in our other baby gate. Oh also- Hyland’s Cold tablets. It really helped the congestion that came with teething.
How my life has changed: Let’s just talk about cleaning for a moment. When is the last time you dusted underneath your chairs and table? Can’t remember? Go have a look at it. I’ll wait. EWWWW right?? Just imagine your precious little baby teething on that dust covered chair. Nice right? I now clean with a 2 foot tall perspective.
Eli: Week 43

I got to spend more time with my Mimi this week! She gave me a glow turtle that is so entrancing. After that I popped in to the doctor’s for a quick visit. I’m 21 pounds 5 oz. I may have gone through a growth spurt because I’ve graduated to wearing 18 month clothes. I will not tolerate anyone watching me besides mommy, family, and Miss Brittanie (after I give her some grief). I love to go on walks and my favorite books is Are You My Mother?

Today he turned 10 months and his tooth finally poked through! Horray!
Have the best week!
What we Bought: Little yums teething biscuits and new diaper bag
Most Awkward Moment: Eli pushed the shred box over and used it as a step so he can prop himself up and see outside. I was in the room! He was just so fast.
Best Moment: Any of his very clingy hugs! He just loves you so much and you know it.
Useless purchases: Our old diaper bag broke in two places! Before we even used it once the wipe holder broke. That was okay, I mean- you can manage. Then about a month ago the part that hangs from a hook broke off. Not happy.
Invaluable purchases: His white noise maker! He’s snoring away right now while Josh puts in our other baby gate. Oh also- Hyland’s Cold tablets. It really helped the congestion that came with teething.
How my life has changed: Let’s just talk about cleaning for a moment. When is the last time you dusted underneath your chairs and table? Can’t remember? Go have a look at it. I’ll wait. EWWWW right?? Just imagine your precious little baby teething on that dust covered chair. Nice right? I now clean with a 2 foot tall perspective.
Eli: Week 43
I got to spend more time with my Mimi this week! She gave me a glow turtle that is so entrancing. After that I popped in to the doctor’s for a quick visit. I’m 21 pounds 5 oz. I may have gone through a growth spurt because I’ve graduated to wearing 18 month clothes. I will not tolerate anyone watching me besides mommy, family, and Miss Brittanie (after I give her some grief). I love to go on walks and my favorite books is Are You My Mother?
Today he turned 10 months and his tooth finally poked through! Horray!
Have the best week!
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