It’s Thanksgiving week!! Josh is home all week and my brother and his family are days away. It’s like a vacation over here. Well, I guess it technically is a vacation. Did you have a good week? Eli and I had an extra day together this week. We did our usual errands etc. but we also had a Starbucks, watched I Am and GMO OMG, made cinnamon rolls and did a bit of shopping. Those two documentaries are amazing. You should most definitely watch them. Of course those cinnamon rolls were supposed to be for mom’s group and I didn’t finish them until 2 hours after the event, but hey. It is what it is!
Ohhh on top of that I had the best girl’s day painting ceramics with my friend Aimee. I made a mug that will of course be featured on one of our Make it Monday’s at Polished Homemade. Speaking of P/H, I got to take a few photos of some of the most adorable babes out there. Meet Emma and Tucker. Try not to pinch their cheeks over the web.

This week I start week two of a creative photo editing class. I’m excited to learn more, but I realize I’m a bit all over the place as I find my ‘voice’. Here’s a few I did this week.

Josh and I are about to head to church and then out to lunch for an early birthday celebration for his birthday. Poor guy, I’m splitting his celebrations into three days. Goodness. Now for the good stuff…
What we Bought: New boots for Wyo. They’ve been harder to keep on than his moccasins, but his raccoon shoes are now too small. MORE pajamas. He keeps growing! His winter coats are 12 months and I’m a little worried. I hope they still fit in a month.
Most Awkward Moment: Eli casually, purposefully, laying in Optimus’ drool to see how it feels. Ewwww!! I’m strongly considering making Optimus only drink outside.
Best Moment: My 2.5 hour nap with my lovely child. Good for me. Good for him. OR- getting a Starbucks. I seriously feel like a happier person with a Starbucks in hand. What do they put in it??
Useless purchases: Well, that gift I bought for the mom’s gift exchange was moot. Also I’m going to say this has been pretty useless. I just sit on the edge and soak my feet during Eli’s baths. Maybe I’ll use it in the future.
Invaluable purchases: Socks! I have at least 6 socks I can’t find the pair for. Sigh.
How my life has changed: I get ready in 12 minutes flat (post shower). My nursery rhyme library is quite extensive, and I’m becoming more obsessed with what’s in our food.
Eli: Week 45

I love to crawl under and into things. For example, I like to crawl into the cabinets and media consoles and I like to crawl under chairs, my jumperoo, and under the coffee table. I believe Optimus is the best pillow and I am talking a lot. I can say (some semblance of) night-night, uh-oh, no no, dada, and mama. Mac and Cheese and cinnamon rolls are about the most delicious thing in the world and I am beginning to realize that the food I’ve been given thus far is sub-par. Whatever mommy and daddy have is always better. I am learning to high-five and use baby sign-language for “all done.”
Have a great week!
Ohhh on top of that I had the best girl’s day painting ceramics with my friend Aimee. I made a mug that will of course be featured on one of our Make it Monday’s at Polished Homemade. Speaking of P/H, I got to take a few photos of some of the most adorable babes out there. Meet Emma and Tucker. Try not to pinch their cheeks over the web.
This week I start week two of a creative photo editing class. I’m excited to learn more, but I realize I’m a bit all over the place as I find my ‘voice’. Here’s a few I did this week.
Josh and I are about to head to church and then out to lunch for an early birthday celebration for his birthday. Poor guy, I’m splitting his celebrations into three days. Goodness. Now for the good stuff…
What we Bought: New boots for Wyo. They’ve been harder to keep on than his moccasins, but his raccoon shoes are now too small. MORE pajamas. He keeps growing! His winter coats are 12 months and I’m a little worried. I hope they still fit in a month.
Most Awkward Moment: Eli casually, purposefully, laying in Optimus’ drool to see how it feels. Ewwww!! I’m strongly considering making Optimus only drink outside.
Best Moment: My 2.5 hour nap with my lovely child. Good for me. Good for him. OR- getting a Starbucks. I seriously feel like a happier person with a Starbucks in hand. What do they put in it??
Useless purchases: Well, that gift I bought for the mom’s gift exchange was moot. Also I’m going to say this has been pretty useless. I just sit on the edge and soak my feet during Eli’s baths. Maybe I’ll use it in the future.
Invaluable purchases: Socks! I have at least 6 socks I can’t find the pair for. Sigh.
How my life has changed: I get ready in 12 minutes flat (post shower). My nursery rhyme library is quite extensive, and I’m becoming more obsessed with what’s in our food.
Eli: Week 45
I love to crawl under and into things. For example, I like to crawl into the cabinets and media consoles and I like to crawl under chairs, my jumperoo, and under the coffee table. I believe Optimus is the best pillow and I am talking a lot. I can say (some semblance of) night-night, uh-oh, no no, dada, and mama. Mac and Cheese and cinnamon rolls are about the most delicious thing in the world and I am beginning to realize that the food I’ve been given thus far is sub-par. Whatever mommy and daddy have is always better. I am learning to high-five and use baby sign-language for “all done.”
Have a great week!
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