Well, I got the best news ever. My brother and his entire family are coming down for Thanksgiving! YAY! I foresee a lot of shopping, eating, and quality time in our near future. Maybe ICE at Opryland, the Zoo, and/or the Adventure Science Center. Do y’all have any suggestions for kid-friendly fun? I cannot wait.
On top of that, I had brunch with some marvelous ladies today and went shopping. We even discussed starting a women-teach women group. We collectively know how to knit. how to speak French, how to create business plans, etc. I have to figure out what I’ll teach, but I know it will be fun. We might call it, She's Crafty, but I don't want to limit it to crafts alone. Any name suggestions? Anywho, I had the most amazing Woodhouse coffee at Fido and got a killer Jack coat for our Wyoming trip. It’s pink, of course. How can you go wrong with pink?? I’m not ready to be warm in below zero weather. Oh wait- I’m never ready for that. Still, Eli will get to have a white Christmas with all of his cousins. Christmas is in six weeks people! Are you ready? Now for my shameless plug….

I think I’m having more fun making these flyers than anything. But seriously- if you know anyone who needs some pictures done let me know. I am happy to offer friend & family discounts. Ok now-
What we Bought: He loves these sippy cups from Target, something about the soft straw, so we got him another one.
Most Awkward Moment: I let Eli play and explore (as long as it’s not dangerous, it’s good for his mind). So one day I was letting him take everything out of his bathroom cabinet, and there he was pushing around a huge bottle of baby wash and then suddenly I smell the fragrance. Unbeknownst to me he had somehow opened it up and it was EVERYWHERE. Towels and towels later it was all sopped up.
Best Moment: Hearing him say ‘dada’ and ‘mama’ over and over. Or maybe seeing him clap for himself after taking his nasty iron supplement. He’s such a trooper.
Useless purchases: Three month pacifiers. He’s over it. He’s only content with the newborn version, even when teething.
Invaluable purchases: TV straps. He likes to use the TV to cruise. Luckily it's off most of the time.
How my life has changed: I can tell what he’s up to and where he’s at based on sound alone. Kind of impressed with myself. Now I know how my mom did it.
Eli: Week 44

I love to click my tongue and breathe forcefully over my new teeth. TWO teeth came in on the day I turned 10 months old. I have 6 teeth total now. I have a little bit of a temper, and will throw things to show when I’m upset. That being said, I also like to throw things just because it’s fun. I think it shows mom and dad that I’m done with my food. I like to push things around on the floor, look under rugs, and shut doors. I started saying ‘dada’ and I learned how to clap. I also discovered fog this week when I breathed onto a window. It was hilarious. I’m very determined and truly believe that ‘no’ means go faster! I use the fridge like a staircase and like to crawl into the cabinets. I love story time and I like to grab the backs of mom’s legs and walk right behind her.
Have a great week!
On top of that, I had brunch with some marvelous ladies today and went shopping. We even discussed starting a women-teach women group. We collectively know how to knit. how to speak French, how to create business plans, etc. I have to figure out what I’ll teach, but I know it will be fun. We might call it, She's Crafty, but I don't want to limit it to crafts alone. Any name suggestions? Anywho, I had the most amazing Woodhouse coffee at Fido and got a killer Jack coat for our Wyoming trip. It’s pink, of course. How can you go wrong with pink?? I’m not ready to be warm in below zero weather. Oh wait- I’m never ready for that. Still, Eli will get to have a white Christmas with all of his cousins. Christmas is in six weeks people! Are you ready? Now for my shameless plug….
I think I’m having more fun making these flyers than anything. But seriously- if you know anyone who needs some pictures done let me know. I am happy to offer friend & family discounts. Ok now-
What we Bought: He loves these sippy cups from Target, something about the soft straw, so we got him another one.
Most Awkward Moment: I let Eli play and explore (as long as it’s not dangerous, it’s good for his mind). So one day I was letting him take everything out of his bathroom cabinet, and there he was pushing around a huge bottle of baby wash and then suddenly I smell the fragrance. Unbeknownst to me he had somehow opened it up and it was EVERYWHERE. Towels and towels later it was all sopped up.
Best Moment: Hearing him say ‘dada’ and ‘mama’ over and over. Or maybe seeing him clap for himself after taking his nasty iron supplement. He’s such a trooper.
Useless purchases: Three month pacifiers. He’s over it. He’s only content with the newborn version, even when teething.
Invaluable purchases: TV straps. He likes to use the TV to cruise. Luckily it's off most of the time.
How my life has changed: I can tell what he’s up to and where he’s at based on sound alone. Kind of impressed with myself. Now I know how my mom did it.
Eli: Week 44
I love to click my tongue and breathe forcefully over my new teeth. TWO teeth came in on the day I turned 10 months old. I have 6 teeth total now. I have a little bit of a temper, and will throw things to show when I’m upset. That being said, I also like to throw things just because it’s fun. I think it shows mom and dad that I’m done with my food. I like to push things around on the floor, look under rugs, and shut doors. I started saying ‘dada’ and I learned how to clap. I also discovered fog this week when I breathed onto a window. It was hilarious. I’m very determined and truly believe that ‘no’ means go faster! I use the fridge like a staircase and like to crawl into the cabinets. I love story time and I like to grab the backs of mom’s legs and walk right behind her.
Have a great week!
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