Getting to the smaller details! Hurrah! I personally didn’t have my husband throw a garter (I didn’t even throw my bouquet! I know- I’m crazy), but it is an age-old tradition that can be hilarious. Whether the groom makes it awkward for people to watch, a 6 year old catches it, or all the single men avoid it like a grenade, it usually holds it’s own in the realm of wedding fanfare. That being said, it doesn’t mean we can’t make it pretty. Right girls?
Let’s start with the best of the bargain garters. This beauty comes in at a cool $5 While this one is only $2 more at $7. You can find them as low as $1 a piece, but I guess I’m a bit of a snob? They just don’t seem that appealing to the eye ya know?

Further proof I’m a snob- I love this (more expensive) $14 garter. Can you blame me? It’s so romantic looking. I would totally be that bride who saves the cute one and throws the $1 garter.

Needing something blue? I love this lace and pearl $18 garter. More of a set fan? Maybe this $10 set (nice deal!) will float your boat.

Both give a vintage, classic feel. Which one would you go for?
Let’s start with the best of the bargain garters. This beauty comes in at a cool $5 While this one is only $2 more at $7. You can find them as low as $1 a piece, but I guess I’m a bit of a snob? They just don’t seem that appealing to the eye ya know?
Further proof I’m a snob- I love this (more expensive) $14 garter. Can you blame me? It’s so romantic looking. I would totally be that bride who saves the cute one and throws the $1 garter.
Needing something blue? I love this lace and pearl $18 garter. More of a set fan? Maybe this $10 set (nice deal!) will float your boat.
Both give a vintage, classic feel. Which one would you go for?
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