One small detail people sometimes forget is to plan for their final exit. Whether you plan your photog exit from the ceremony site or the reception, being sent off by your closest loved ones to start your new life as man and wife is a memorable moment that deserves some attention.
Based on reviews, I wouldn’t recommend sparklers. They are SO pretty, but I’ve read and heard about so many people getting burned or having their clothes burned! I really like the idea of throwing bird seed, but again, I’ve heard the seeds can get caught in your dress and become really uncomfortable. Still a cute idea if you plan to change before the reception, or if you plan to have your Grand Exit from the reception (be careful with this if your reception ends at night, this probably won’t photograph well).
For Natasha’s wedding, flower petals and confetti cannot be thrown because of Scarritt Bennett's guidelines (tough to clean up!). Here’s some alternative ideas for the exit.
Balloons! I think this is so whimsical and pretty, but may not “fly” with Natasha’s classically themed wedding. Party City sells white balloons at such a good price! Could be very budget friendly.

Butterflies! Totally gorgeous and not often done, a butterfly release at the exit is just so totally sweet. Down side? For every guest to have a butterfly to release, it would cost a small fortune. I totally think having the maid of honor and best man releasing the butterflies is still sweet.

Wedding wands- These make for such cute pictures and are totally fun. I especially love that you can add bells to the top of the wands. I really feel like these would be pretty easy to DIY too, which you know for me is always a plus.

Bubbles- always a fan favorite, but more often done than the other options. You really have to appreciate that they’re only 24 cents per bottle. They also look nice in photos.

Josh and I went with wish lanterns at the request of my 7 year old nephew. They were a little difficult to coordinate, and many of them burned up without getting off the ground (people have a tendency to rip the lantern when opening the package). Another downfall, it made the exit feel slow, if that makes sense. They did make for good pictures though, and they were definitely memorable. (Photo from our wedding by Amber Beckham Photography)
Based on reviews, I wouldn’t recommend sparklers. They are SO pretty, but I’ve read and heard about so many people getting burned or having their clothes burned! I really like the idea of throwing bird seed, but again, I’ve heard the seeds can get caught in your dress and become really uncomfortable. Still a cute idea if you plan to change before the reception, or if you plan to have your Grand Exit from the reception (be careful with this if your reception ends at night, this probably won’t photograph well).
For Natasha’s wedding, flower petals and confetti cannot be thrown because of Scarritt Bennett's guidelines (tough to clean up!). Here’s some alternative ideas for the exit.
Balloons! I think this is so whimsical and pretty, but may not “fly” with Natasha’s classically themed wedding. Party City sells white balloons at such a good price! Could be very budget friendly.
Butterflies! Totally gorgeous and not often done, a butterfly release at the exit is just so totally sweet. Down side? For every guest to have a butterfly to release, it would cost a small fortune. I totally think having the maid of honor and best man releasing the butterflies is still sweet.
Wedding wands- These make for such cute pictures and are totally fun. I especially love that you can add bells to the top of the wands. I really feel like these would be pretty easy to DIY too, which you know for me is always a plus.
Bubbles- always a fan favorite, but more often done than the other options. You really have to appreciate that they’re only 24 cents per bottle. They also look nice in photos.
Josh and I went with wish lanterns at the request of my 7 year old nephew. They were a little difficult to coordinate, and many of them burned up without getting off the ground (people have a tendency to rip the lantern when opening the package). Another downfall, it made the exit feel slow, if that makes sense. They did make for good pictures though, and they were definitely memorable. (Photo from our wedding by Amber Beckham Photography)

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