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The Learning Curve

I dare say I may be getting the hang of this. I wasn’t sure, well, because we’ve had help up until yesterday afternoon, but Eli is asleep in the swing after having been fed, clothed, and diapered. I even convinced him to go back to sleep until 8:30 am. That’s a success in my books. Sure Optimus is in time-out for having ate the peanut butter off of my French toast while I was washing bottles, there may be laundry that hasn’t been folded, and maybe I ate a half a granola bar that fell on the floor, but at least I know I vacuumed the floor yesterday and there is food in my belly as well. The dogs have even been groomed within the past week. See? Success.

I think Eli is just getting over a growth spurt. For two days straight he was up every 2 hours starving. Not just thinking he’s starving, but eating an extra 3/4 ounce starving. Poor baby! He was so uncomfortable. I am hopeful it’s over though, as he actually slept for a four-hour period last night. Yay!

We had a great week with my sisters. Eli got to be spoiled, which is excellent because he was so uncomfortable. And- I got to be spoiled too. They made us dinner and got me out of the house for a mini spa day and they kept me company and let me nap. It was perfect. Ah- and- my friend Brandi came by to meet him. She was so sweet she got me my favorite gift yet- an Origami Owl with Eli’s name on it. Isn’t that the sweetest, most thoughtful gift?
I wish I had more pictures to show of him, but my camera broke. No idea how it happened, but I charged the battery, changed the lenses, etc. and it still won’t turn on. Luckily Josh bought me a new one last night. He spoiled me with a Canon T5i, which is entirely too nice for a clickin’ mom, but hey I’m not complaining. Now to wait with bated breath for it to come in. I can’t wait. I’ll bombard you with tons of Eli pictures, don’t you worry. In the meantime, you’ll have to bear with me and the grainy phone/iPad photos.

What we bought: Milestone cards for one of Eli’s 5 baby books. Oh yea, he has a bit of attention on him. I can’t wait to order our baby announcements, but we’re not quite there yet.
Invaluable purchases: A Scentsy buddy and an Ubi to keep the smell away. His room, even with the diaper pail and sometimes soiled clothing in the hamper, always smells great. Also- lots of blankets with different weights. With the sleep sacks and the varying temperatures in our house, sometimes we need a light blanket one second and a heavier blanket the next. Oh! And the simple wishes hands-free option. Also invaluable? The doorbell sign I made. Only one person had the gall to ring the doorbell. Of course the dogs went berserk, so the sign has actually been helpful.
How my life has changed: I accept help much more easily. I stopped being adamant about Josh resting while I took care of the baby. It was impossible to do it on my own when it was every 2 hours and I’m glad he was willing to help. I’m coming to accept that my house will be forever ‘lived in’. I can’t say dirty because really it’s clean, it’s just not organized. I'm getting quite good at doing things one-handed.

Eli’s 3 Week Check In
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I have been extremely hungry lately and have started drinking 3 and a half ounces on a regular basis. When I do eat, I’m often so hungry that I gulp (even when calm) until I choke on the milk. Mom’s had about a million mini heart attacks. I’ll refuse my binky if I don’t want it, but if it’s out of my mouth by my face I can figure out how to get it back into my mouth. I don’t like riding in cars unless someone sits in the back seat with me and I’ve decided that I’d like to be held whenever possible, thank you very much. This hasn’t been much of a problem since I am so cute. I don’t mind being in my bassinet at night, but I need a warm hand on my belly before I’ll fall asleep. I get really fuzzy hair right after a bath (which I still hate by the way) and I’ve outgrown many of my newborn outfits. I’ve started trying to reach objects and like to hit the snail on my bassinet mobile. This week Optimus snuck a kiss. I didn’t mind, but mom was a little irked. My eyes are still a beautiful dark blue.  I suck my thumb sometimes, but usually when I’m trying to drink my bottle and it just makes me mad.

That’s it for us this week! I hope you all have a great weekend. Don’t forget to cheer on the Broncos!


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