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Hello Baby

Today marks one week since Eli’s birth. I can hardly believe that. In some ways I feel like he was just born yesterday, in other ways I can hardly recall what life was like without him. My life is upside-down, but only in the best ways. Here’s a bit of Eli’s birth story…

On January 6th we went to the doctor to have a check-up. The doctor stripped my membranes while we were there, but it didn’t do a thing. Not one contraction followed but, we had a great Bishop score, so we set up an appointment to start induction on the 10th, the day after Eli’s due date. On January 8th, Josh and I had a big finale dinner at Fleming's, the kind of restaurant you wouldn’t take a child, to celebrate his upcoming birth. While we were there we ran into some of Josh’s co-workers who graciously took care of our check. What a blessing! I think that was the meal that started it all.

On January 9th, Eli’s due date, we went to go pick up my parents from the airport. While we were there, I started having some contractions. We had just made it home and had started eating dinner when my water started trickling. I gave it an hour to make sure that it was, in fact, actually trickling (hey, bladder control is a common problem for very pregnant people). When I was sure my water had broken, I called the nurse line to see if we should go to the hospital, as we were only 6 and a half hours from our induction time. While I was on the phone, my water full-on BROKE. It was shocking to say the least. I held it together until I got off the phone and then it was waterworks. I felt so out of control! Only 10% of people have their water break before they are in labor, and I had only had a few contractions about an hour before it happened. I wanted to change, it felt so gross, but there was no stopping it. If I changed, the next outfit would also be soiled. I just remember crying, “It’s in my shoes!” Josh was rational enough to get me to get in the car and we headed to the hospital. On a side note- puppy pads were a great investment.

We were able to labor naturally until midnight, but we had to start Pitocin in order to decrease the risk of infection. Right before they started the Pitocin, Eli’s heart rate dropped drastically. I’m not talking about 100 beats per minute, I mean like less than 60. I had no idea what was going on. One minute I’m sleeping, the next we have 5 people in the room. After making sure Eli’s cord was okay, they started me on oxygen, just to make sure Eli’s heart rate dropping was a fluke. Josh at this point was so anxious that he didn’t sleep again until Eli was born (this was a 22 hour labor). We started the Pitocin- which made me extremely hot- and labored until about 2:30am. At that point we were 4-5 cm along with contractions every 5 minutes. I decided to get an epidural at that time so I could get some sleep. I knew it was going to be a long day. The epidural made my blood pressure drop, which made Eli’s heart rate drop. This was corrected with breaks from Pitocin and bouts of Oxygen, but it was so anxiety provoking.

By 1pm on the 10th we were 7-8 cm and my epidural ran out. Now, in our birthing class they assured us your epidural cannot run out. This is somewhat true, as they can re-dose you and bring more bags of whatever it is that allows you to feel comfortable. The problem is, your nerves can get used to the medication and stop responding, making you feel e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. Not a good time, I tell you. The only thing they can do at that point is re-do your epidural. This was not something I was going to do with contractions 1 minute apart. The next hour was seriously excruciating. I was shaking and shivering with pain. I honestly don’t know how people do that. Thank goodness for Josh and my mother. They talked me through it until I reached 10 cm, at 2pm. Funny thing- my dad tried to help by putting on music. The problem? He could only find a rap station on his new iPad. So funny!

I was finally able to start pushing at 2pm and this drastically reduced my pain. We pushed for 45 minutes before Eli crowned. The contractions at that point were so strong that he just kept coming even without pushing. It only took 4 coached pushes at he was here! Now, they tell you after the baby is born that the pain is now over with- it isn’t- but it is still so worth it. I wouldn’t change a thing.
We were initially released from the hospital Sunday, but had to return Monday night to take care of Eli. He had high bilirubin which made him very sleepy, which made it almost impossible to get him to eat. This, of course, made him dehydrated and had the unpleasant effect of increasing his bilirubin even more. It was so frustrating to have no control over this. I sobbed with helplessness from the fact that I could not meet his needs. It was heart-breaking to be unable to hold our baby while he cried under the phototherapy light, fussing over the IV in his arm. That whole night was just a nightmare. Even if it was a minor thing, the helplessness was overwhelming. I’m so glad he has had a turn around. His bilirubin is still high, but  it continues to decrease at every check-up. He’s also eating so good now.
Here’s my final check-in
IMG_6888 copy
Weight Gain: 34 pounds was the final weigh in. I guess it’s normal to lose weight right before you have the baby.
What we bought: Sleep sacks- lots of them. Eli is so good at getting his feet and arms out of even the best swaddle and he hates having his feet out. These were so essential! We also bought a baby emery board.
Invaluable purchases: The Itz Been, sleep sacks, tons of onesies (babies pee- a lot), a nice travel set of toiletries for showering after birth- it made it so nice
How my life has changed: How hasn’t it? Of course my sleep has drastically reduced and is interrupted and my body doesn’t look near-normal, but my priorities are so different. This little person has my heart, and my time, and my energy. I’m not sure if I’m going to go back to work. That’s a conversation to be had after a few more weeks of adjusting, but I was adamant about going back to work before he was born. Now I can’t imagine being gone from him for 45 hours a week. I may drop part-time or work from home or do a manner of things. Time will tell. I feel like there are not enough hours in the day to enjoy him. Even little things, like dying my hair, are put into a new context. I was really looking forward to him being born so that once again I could dye my hair, but now I want the world to see that he is mine. We have the same color and why would I want to cover that up? Silly, but so true. My relationship with Josh is also different- but in such a good way. Josh is an amazing father. He is so careful in caring for Eli. He helps me with every feeding and many diaper changes without complaint. He cares for myself and Eli no problem. He’s phenomenal.  I’m not sure how I’m going to do this without him when he returns to work next week.

Eli’s one week check-in (I may or may not keep this weekly update)
Eli loves to cross his feet when he’s sleepy. He makes the cutest cooing noises, especially when he’s milk-drunk. He is as content sucking his bottom lip as he is sucking on a pacifier. He has learned that if he cries, even if he’s been fed and changed and burped, we will hold him (I think we may have a little trouble with this). He is very coordinated with his hands- and often looks like he’s praying.

That’s it for now. I’m going to go enjoy our baby.


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