Well, last night was our first ‘real’ fussy night. Eli’s been fussy before, but nothing like we encountered last night. All day he struggled a bit and at 9:30 when he got up to eat it all started again. We fed him (again), we tried the 5 S’s, we bounced and rocked and walked and tried to let him cry it out for 5 minutes. All of this went on for 2 hours until I finally got him to sleep, only to have him get up an hour and a half later to eat again. This stirred up so many emotions: frustration (I tried everything I could think of), guilt (I should be able to calm my baby. Was it something I ate? Am I doing something wrong? Someone else could surely calm him), helplessness, empathy for him (surely he’s uncomfortable), etc. I was so relieved when he finally rested, but even more so when he went back to sleep after his 1 am feeding. Thank God for Josh and his willingness to help me and comfort Eli. Also- thank God I don’t have to go to work today! How do people do this by themselves and work full-time? That blows my mind. Regardless, I still love it. It’s so worth it.
Josh and I also had our first post-baby date night. We were able to make conversation that was not 100% Eli based, so I count that as a semi-success. It was only semi-successful because we both got so sick afterwards.
What we bought: I bought two Sperry’s, one black and one khaki. I have this horrible fear that I’ll slip when holding Eli. Socks and laminate- worn out boots and ice- flats and rain- all combinations that often result in slipping for me. We also bought Carlson vitamin D drops as Eli had a tummy ache from the cheaper brands
Invaluable purchases: lots of burp rags- my mother in law makes some awesome ones, pajamas that zip- it makes changing Eli so much easier, our baby swing- I need it especially when I can’t hold Eli, soothies and other comforts since apparently plugged ducts and I go together like peanut butter and jelly, nursing camis- it’s about all I wear now
How my life has changed: I now drink over a gallon of water per day.I have to consider what I’m eating, and have cut down on spicy food, broccoli, caffeine and dairy. I have to shower and sleep when I’m able to. I’ve had to shower at 5am so that someone was watching the baby (last week Josh was leaving at 6:30am for work). I know I could put him in his baby chair in the bathroom, but I’m not that adventurous yet. I haven’t been able to read like I like to, and I can only blog now because my sisters are here snuggling Eli. He really doesn’t nap for long periods- usually only a half hour or so increments when someone isn’t holding him during the day- and even though I theoretically value sleep more than a clean house, I still find myself cleaning when he naps instead of napping. We also haven’t been taking Eli into public because of the flu outbreak and the fact that he hasn’t had his shots yet, so that makes errands more difficult. One or the other of us will go out and say, get groceries, but we’re on a time limit as well because Eli needs to eat every 2 and a half hours during the day.
Eli: Week 2

This week I had my first bath. I was not impressed. I said goodbye to my maternal grandparents and hello to two of my aunts. I met some new friends and passed my 2 week check-up with flying colors! I’m now 8 pounds 2 ounces and 22 inches long. I had a growth spurt when mom and dad weren’t looking. I started sleeping in 3-3.5 hour intervals at night. Yesterday I giggled while I was taking a nap. It was so cute, but mom isn’t counting it as my first giggle because I was asleep. I had my first real photo shoot. Mom was so impressed she’ll probably have giant photos of my handsome face in every room.
Josh and I also had our first post-baby date night. We were able to make conversation that was not 100% Eli based, so I count that as a semi-success. It was only semi-successful because we both got so sick afterwards.
What we bought: I bought two Sperry’s, one black and one khaki. I have this horrible fear that I’ll slip when holding Eli. Socks and laminate- worn out boots and ice- flats and rain- all combinations that often result in slipping for me. We also bought Carlson vitamin D drops as Eli had a tummy ache from the cheaper brands
Invaluable purchases: lots of burp rags- my mother in law makes some awesome ones, pajamas that zip- it makes changing Eli so much easier, our baby swing- I need it especially when I can’t hold Eli, soothies and other comforts since apparently plugged ducts and I go together like peanut butter and jelly, nursing camis- it’s about all I wear now
How my life has changed: I now drink over a gallon of water per day.I have to consider what I’m eating, and have cut down on spicy food, broccoli, caffeine and dairy. I have to shower and sleep when I’m able to. I’ve had to shower at 5am so that someone was watching the baby (last week Josh was leaving at 6:30am for work). I know I could put him in his baby chair in the bathroom, but I’m not that adventurous yet. I haven’t been able to read like I like to, and I can only blog now because my sisters are here snuggling Eli. He really doesn’t nap for long periods- usually only a half hour or so increments when someone isn’t holding him during the day- and even though I theoretically value sleep more than a clean house, I still find myself cleaning when he naps instead of napping. We also haven’t been taking Eli into public because of the flu outbreak and the fact that he hasn’t had his shots yet, so that makes errands more difficult. One or the other of us will go out and say, get groceries, but we’re on a time limit as well because Eli needs to eat every 2 and a half hours during the day.
Eli: Week 2
This week I had my first bath. I was not impressed. I said goodbye to my maternal grandparents and hello to two of my aunts. I met some new friends and passed my 2 week check-up with flying colors! I’m now 8 pounds 2 ounces and 22 inches long. I had a growth spurt when mom and dad weren’t looking. I started sleeping in 3-3.5 hour intervals at night. Yesterday I giggled while I was taking a nap. It was so cute, but mom isn’t counting it as my first giggle because I was asleep. I had my first real photo shoot. Mom was so impressed she’ll probably have giant photos of my handsome face in every room.
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