Good afternoon y’all! I hope your week was fantastic. Over here, as always, it was challenging but good. Eli got his first tooth in this week which was exciting but hard for the little guy. I think he’s getting his second bottom tooth in soon, because he was up all night last night. Even with teething tablets and Tylenol he was waking up every 1 1/2- 2 hours. We are a bit exhausted. Nevertheless, he’s a happy baby boy today...for the most part.
We were business as usual this week. That is, until Friday. Friday night we went out to see my friend’s husband play at 12th and Porter. Seriously, the Bart Walker Band is amazing. He’s so dynamic and the music was stunning. If you haven’t given it a listen, you should. Josh and I got Eli’s grandparents to watch him while we went out. We had dinner at Black Eye’d Peas, went for some coffee, and then headed out to the concert. I haven’t been to bed at midnight for ages and I don’t plan on doing it again anytime soon. If I could I would go to bed at 8:30
This morning we’ve been busy cleaning the house, watching church (no, we didn’t go. Eli needed to eat and was fussy from tooth pain), and overall celebrating Father’s Day. I got Josh some goodies from Trader Joe’s like cheese and bacon ranch dip with chips, dark chocolate peanut butter cups, and two varieties of cookie butter. Seriously, that’s the best stuff. I could probably just eat it with a spoon, but that would be wildly unhealthy. It’s better to put in on pancakes, right? Then I got him the coveted Pocket Hose. I’ve been hearing about how cool that hose is for 2 years now. It’s about time I got the hint. And I finished it off with father-son matching ties from Littlevys.

I’m so lucky to have a great father and grandfather and Eli is lucky they’re both still around to love on him and show him how to handle guns, cows and weather the cold. But seriously his great-grandpa Joe is patient while his pawpaw is creative and responsible. They both have a great sense of humor, quick wits, are hardworking and intelligent- especially in the way that they can finagle a solution out of seemingly thin air. And his father? He’s phenomenal. He is my help and my partner and such a good role-model for Eli. Eli is well loved.

What we bought: Earth’s Best diapers were on sale-70 diapers for $11 at Toys R Us and their organic babygood was 20 for $10! So we’re ready for next month. I can’t believe he’s 3 weeks away from food. Then we bought a few teethers.
Invaluable purchases: Motion-activated night lights. I like that I can see my way around our room and can clearly see him in the middle of the night, but I love that the light will turn off! I can’t stand trying to sleep with lights on all over the place. Eli’s banana toothbrush was suggested as a good teether and I’ve got to say, he loves it! It seems to make a big difference in how he’s feeling.
How my life has changed: Everything’s kind of done half-way. Example: Eli woke up after I dusted 3 of the 4 bedrooms. I put him in the carrier and he tried to eat the dusting rag, the dust spray, and the feather duster so did I make it through room 4? Yes. Is it actually dusted? Eh- I did my best. I wouldn’t be inviting over the Queen of England.
Eli:Week 22

I had such a big week this week! I turned 5 months old and got my first tooth. I also had my first sleep-over at Mimi and grandpas. I really enjoy feeling different textures, I especially like scratching the different materials in my car seat, scratching whatever is behind me while I eat, and scratching when I’m trying to go to sleep. I get bored being in my swing now. I need to have something new to do, look at, or play with ever so often to stay happy. That being said, I did great getting my first tooth in. I had trouble sleeping and ate a little more, but it only lasted about two days. Not bad huh? It still hurts me sometimes though. Like my aunt Gabriel said, it’s hard being a baby! I started cuddling by lying my head on mom and dad’s shoulders and I like to practice singing. I try to emulate dad when he sings Rock a Bye Baby especially. And- I love to happy scream. I like to do it out of nowhere and startle mommy.
Eli: Week 23 -part A (Father’s Day!)

I helped dad celebrate Father’s Day by making him a sweet ornament and card and by wearing an ‘I love dad!’ tee shirt. I also spent time showing him my favorite Baby Einstein movie so mom could make him pancakes and set up his other gift, a matching tie and bowtie set for him and I to wear together! Mom asked dad how he felt today, and he said he was happy and that I am a very, very good boy. I am very loved and cherished.
That’s it for us! Enjoy your weekend and Father’s Day!
We were business as usual this week. That is, until Friday. Friday night we went out to see my friend’s husband play at 12th and Porter. Seriously, the Bart Walker Band is amazing. He’s so dynamic and the music was stunning. If you haven’t given it a listen, you should. Josh and I got Eli’s grandparents to watch him while we went out. We had dinner at Black Eye’d Peas, went for some coffee, and then headed out to the concert. I haven’t been to bed at midnight for ages and I don’t plan on doing it again anytime soon. If I could I would go to bed at 8:30
This morning we’ve been busy cleaning the house, watching church (no, we didn’t go. Eli needed to eat and was fussy from tooth pain), and overall celebrating Father’s Day. I got Josh some goodies from Trader Joe’s like cheese and bacon ranch dip with chips, dark chocolate peanut butter cups, and two varieties of cookie butter. Seriously, that’s the best stuff. I could probably just eat it with a spoon, but that would be wildly unhealthy. It’s better to put in on pancakes, right? Then I got him the coveted Pocket Hose. I’ve been hearing about how cool that hose is for 2 years now. It’s about time I got the hint. And I finished it off with father-son matching ties from Littlevys.
I’m so lucky to have a great father and grandfather and Eli is lucky they’re both still around to love on him and show him how to handle guns, cows and weather the cold. But seriously his great-grandpa Joe is patient while his pawpaw is creative and responsible. They both have a great sense of humor, quick wits, are hardworking and intelligent- especially in the way that they can finagle a solution out of seemingly thin air. And his father? He’s phenomenal. He is my help and my partner and such a good role-model for Eli. Eli is well loved.
What we bought: Earth’s Best diapers were on sale-70 diapers for $11 at Toys R Us and their organic babygood was 20 for $10! So we’re ready for next month. I can’t believe he’s 3 weeks away from food. Then we bought a few teethers.
Invaluable purchases: Motion-activated night lights. I like that I can see my way around our room and can clearly see him in the middle of the night, but I love that the light will turn off! I can’t stand trying to sleep with lights on all over the place. Eli’s banana toothbrush was suggested as a good teether and I’ve got to say, he loves it! It seems to make a big difference in how he’s feeling.
How my life has changed: Everything’s kind of done half-way. Example: Eli woke up after I dusted 3 of the 4 bedrooms. I put him in the carrier and he tried to eat the dusting rag, the dust spray, and the feather duster so did I make it through room 4? Yes. Is it actually dusted? Eh- I did my best. I wouldn’t be inviting over the Queen of England.
Eli:Week 22
I had such a big week this week! I turned 5 months old and got my first tooth. I also had my first sleep-over at Mimi and grandpas. I really enjoy feeling different textures, I especially like scratching the different materials in my car seat, scratching whatever is behind me while I eat, and scratching when I’m trying to go to sleep. I get bored being in my swing now. I need to have something new to do, look at, or play with ever so often to stay happy. That being said, I did great getting my first tooth in. I had trouble sleeping and ate a little more, but it only lasted about two days. Not bad huh? It still hurts me sometimes though. Like my aunt Gabriel said, it’s hard being a baby! I started cuddling by lying my head on mom and dad’s shoulders and I like to practice singing. I try to emulate dad when he sings Rock a Bye Baby especially. And- I love to happy scream. I like to do it out of nowhere and startle mommy.
Eli: Week 23 -part A (Father’s Day!)
I helped dad celebrate Father’s Day by making him a sweet ornament and card and by wearing an ‘I love dad!’ tee shirt. I also spent time showing him my favorite Baby Einstein movie so mom could make him pancakes and set up his other gift, a matching tie and bowtie set for him and I to wear together! Mom asked dad how he felt today, and he said he was happy and that I am a very, very good boy. I am very loved and cherished.
That’s it for us! Enjoy your weekend and Father’s Day!
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