Well, I’m doing it. It’s my official ‘Treat Yo’ Self’ Weekend. I have tons of things planned, but I’m realistic in knowing that I probably won’t get to it all. I am trying to spread it out over 3 days, so that will help. On the agenda: Mani-pedis, brunch, a massage, shopping, cleaning my car (which is actually a luxury with my limited time, a clean car makes me feel so good!), scrapbooking, watching a cheesy romantic movie, a jog on the greenway with my favorite men, and ice cream! I’ve already checked off the massage and I have a girls brunch & pedicures tomorrow, so even if the rest doesn’t get done I’m good. Twenty-eight here I come!
I keep telling Josh that I’m not really concerned about this birthday because I’ve been thinking I’ve been 28 this whole year. I love getting older.
What we bought: Nothing! I love those weeks. But…today my goal is to buy him some sippy cups. It makes me sad! I feel like he’s too little. Wasn’t he born just last week?
Invaluable purchases: I think maybe I said this before- but he loves his Avent pacifiers, especially now that he’s teething. He doesn’t suck on them as much, but he likes to flip them over and chew on the little handle. Hey, whatever works.
Worst moment: We took Eli for a walk and he fell asleep in the stroller. Unfortunately, when he woke up he had a screw mark on his head! I felt so bad! Oh well, it went away.
How my life has changed: I find myself doing more laundry than ever. I look forward to weekends the most because of the extra time to spend with him, everything else is a bonus. When I go out with my friends sometimes I feel like my conversational skills are lacking, because no one wants to hear about his teeth for the 30th time. I constantly worry about his health and wellbeing. I find myself waking up in the middle of the night so I can look at him through the monitor.
Eli: Week 24

This week I started being really interested in, well, everything. I try to touch everything as I go about my day. The wall sconce, the remote control, the iPad, the tub of orange juice, and especially my dogs. I love how Optimus feels and I like watching Kito roll around and dive for the toys I drop. I love going on walks and chewing on my wash cloths when mom and dad give me baths. I roll my eyes at dad sometimes, but he thinks it’s funny. I’ve started semi-screaming by sucking air in. The first time I did it my parents were so confused about what was going on. I’m just learning how to talk. I had my first bit of rice cereal this morning, and then I passed out.
Enjoy your weekend! Don’t forget to treat yo’ self!
I keep telling Josh that I’m not really concerned about this birthday because I’ve been thinking I’ve been 28 this whole year. I love getting older.
What we bought: Nothing! I love those weeks. But…today my goal is to buy him some sippy cups. It makes me sad! I feel like he’s too little. Wasn’t he born just last week?
Invaluable purchases: I think maybe I said this before- but he loves his Avent pacifiers, especially now that he’s teething. He doesn’t suck on them as much, but he likes to flip them over and chew on the little handle. Hey, whatever works.
Worst moment: We took Eli for a walk and he fell asleep in the stroller. Unfortunately, when he woke up he had a screw mark on his head! I felt so bad! Oh well, it went away.
How my life has changed: I find myself doing more laundry than ever. I look forward to weekends the most because of the extra time to spend with him, everything else is a bonus. When I go out with my friends sometimes I feel like my conversational skills are lacking, because no one wants to hear about his teeth for the 30th time. I constantly worry about his health and wellbeing. I find myself waking up in the middle of the night so I can look at him through the monitor.
Eli: Week 24
This week I started being really interested in, well, everything. I try to touch everything as I go about my day. The wall sconce, the remote control, the iPad, the tub of orange juice, and especially my dogs. I love how Optimus feels and I like watching Kito roll around and dive for the toys I drop. I love going on walks and chewing on my wash cloths when mom and dad give me baths. I roll my eyes at dad sometimes, but he thinks it’s funny. I’ve started semi-screaming by sucking air in. The first time I did it my parents were so confused about what was going on. I’m just learning how to talk. I had my first bit of rice cereal this morning, and then I passed out.
Enjoy your weekend! Don’t forget to treat yo’ self!
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