It’s Spring! How exciting is that? Gone are the days of cold weather. Well, theoretically. Regardless, just the idea that summer is around the corner is enough for me to feel a bit brighter. This week has really just been a blur. Wake up, go to work, snuggle Eli, go to sleep- and repeat. But, this weekend we’ve got some big things planned. Eli is going to meet two of his great-grandparents this weekend and Josh and I will (hopefully) get to go on a date. Hello weekend.
It’s been almost a month now since I gave up milk and I think it’s starting to pay off. We only had to give him gas drops a few times this week, unlike a few weeks ago when we had to give him drops a few times a day. It’s all worth it to make baby boy feel better.
Eli: Week 10

This week I celebrated St. Patrick’s Day by sporting this ridiculous shirt. I don’t know what mom was thinking. I’m not even Irish! I must have had another growth spurt because two days this week I slept SO much. Speaking of sleep, my new favorite way to sleep is with both arms over my head. I’m still doing really well putting myself to sleep, but I’m still committed to sleeping in the bassinet. I really enjoy the sound of the vacuum and I’ve been practicing giggling more and more. My eyes started to turn a little bit green, but if you see me up close you can still see they are mostly blue. I’m a happy little boy!
I’m off! I’ve got so much to do if we’re going to get out of here. Have a great weekend!
It’s been almost a month now since I gave up milk and I think it’s starting to pay off. We only had to give him gas drops a few times this week, unlike a few weeks ago when we had to give him drops a few times a day. It’s all worth it to make baby boy feel better.
Eli: Week 10
This week I celebrated St. Patrick’s Day by sporting this ridiculous shirt. I don’t know what mom was thinking. I’m not even Irish! I must have had another growth spurt because two days this week I slept SO much. Speaking of sleep, my new favorite way to sleep is with both arms over my head. I’m still doing really well putting myself to sleep, but I’m still committed to sleeping in the bassinet. I really enjoy the sound of the vacuum and I’ve been practicing giggling more and more. My eyes started to turn a little bit green, but if you see me up close you can still see they are mostly blue. I’m a happy little boy!
I’m off! I’ve got so much to do if we’re going to get out of here. Have a great weekend!
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