One week down, three to go. I returned to work this past week and it wasn’t honestly as bad as I thought it would be. It all came back to me very quickly and the time flew by until the end of the day. Well, that was until Thursday. Thursdays are my light days and so I had a lot of time to miss Eli. It was very hard! Even when I did have a good work day the minute I got home to my crying baby my heart just broke. I don’t want to leave him but I also do enjoy working, so I think I’m going to go part time. Scratch that, I am going to go part-time in t minus 3 weeks. I’m excited to spend more time with my baby.
Life has been very hectic. I feel like every second of every day is scheduled. If you asked what I was doing at any time of the day I could give you an answer no problem. We’re going to try letting up on the strict 4 hour sleep schedule as soon as Eli is 12 weeks. I’m sure that will help.
In other news- I am now 4.5 bottles (and growing) ahead of Eli! I’m not tracking every oz anymore and the stress level has lessened considerably because of this. Now I just have to make it 10 more months. On the weight front- The clothes I bought to return to work are now baggy! I still have a long ways to go -heck, I’m only 2 lbs down, but at least progress is being made.
We intended to take Eli to his first festival, but he was having a rough morning so we took a walk instead.
Here’s a few shots of our walks this week…

What we bought: More bottles (I saved $3 with a Target coupon), Seventh Generation diapers (again with the Target coupons) which I’m really excited to try, and a really cool high chair from Wayfair (I saved $20 with a coupon as well). It looks easy to clean! Oh! And- Eli’s Easter outfit. He’s such a cutie.

Invaluable Purchases: Baby pain relief from Little Remedies. Eli had a rough few days after his shots. Even now he’s kind of acting like he’s teething (drooling, slight fever, chewing on his hands, overall grumpiness)
Best moment: Every time I come home and get to pick up my baby!
Elis’ been smiling a ton lately! Now for your enjoyment a series of him catching me looking at him and smiling at me haha! Spoiler alert- the best part of waking up is not Folgers- it’s this little fuzzy man.

Eli: Week 9
This week I spent a lot of time away from my parents. Mom went back to work and I went to a sitters for the first time ever. I did pretty well, but I was a little bit grumpier than usual. My favorite time of the day is when mom gets home to snuggle me. I did get to have a play date though! Amelia loved my little monkey outfit and spent time hugging every monkey on the outfit. I also realized I really like to grasp. My wubanub lamby is my favorite thing to practice this on. I think I’ll try my monkey rattler next, since I like how that sounds. I’ve also blown my parents away by putting myself to sleep each night. I barely need any rocking, holding, or snuggling. They just put me in my bassinet around 9 and I babble myself to sleep. I’ve been cooing like a rockstar. My favorite time of the day to talk is right after my 6:30 am meal. I might be a morning person. Mom and dad have been taking me for lots more walks now that it’s warmer out. I’ll sit in the stroller like a big boy for most of the walk, but then I make mom take me out and walk me the rest of the way home in her arms. I had my 2 month check up and I was 10 lbs 2 oz and 24 inches long. I’m very tall for my age! (95th percentile).
Life has been very hectic. I feel like every second of every day is scheduled. If you asked what I was doing at any time of the day I could give you an answer no problem. We’re going to try letting up on the strict 4 hour sleep schedule as soon as Eli is 12 weeks. I’m sure that will help.
In other news- I am now 4.5 bottles (and growing) ahead of Eli! I’m not tracking every oz anymore and the stress level has lessened considerably because of this. Now I just have to make it 10 more months. On the weight front- The clothes I bought to return to work are now baggy! I still have a long ways to go -heck, I’m only 2 lbs down, but at least progress is being made.
We intended to take Eli to his first festival, but he was having a rough morning so we took a walk instead.
Here’s a few shots of our walks this week…
What we bought: More bottles (I saved $3 with a Target coupon), Seventh Generation diapers (again with the Target coupons) which I’m really excited to try, and a really cool high chair from Wayfair (I saved $20 with a coupon as well). It looks easy to clean! Oh! And- Eli’s Easter outfit. He’s such a cutie.
Invaluable Purchases: Baby pain relief from Little Remedies. Eli had a rough few days after his shots. Even now he’s kind of acting like he’s teething (drooling, slight fever, chewing on his hands, overall grumpiness)
Best moment: Every time I come home and get to pick up my baby!
Elis’ been smiling a ton lately! Now for your enjoyment a series of him catching me looking at him and smiling at me haha! Spoiler alert- the best part of waking up is not Folgers- it’s this little fuzzy man.
Eli: Week 9
This week I spent a lot of time away from my parents. Mom went back to work and I went to a sitters for the first time ever. I did pretty well, but I was a little bit grumpier than usual. My favorite time of the day is when mom gets home to snuggle me. I did get to have a play date though! Amelia loved my little monkey outfit and spent time hugging every monkey on the outfit. I also realized I really like to grasp. My wubanub lamby is my favorite thing to practice this on. I think I’ll try my monkey rattler next, since I like how that sounds. I’ve also blown my parents away by putting myself to sleep each night. I barely need any rocking, holding, or snuggling. They just put me in my bassinet around 9 and I babble myself to sleep. I’ve been cooing like a rockstar. My favorite time of the day to talk is right after my 6:30 am meal. I might be a morning person. Mom and dad have been taking me for lots more walks now that it’s warmer out. I’ll sit in the stroller like a big boy for most of the walk, but then I make mom take me out and walk me the rest of the way home in her arms. I had my 2 month check up and I was 10 lbs 2 oz and 24 inches long. I’m very tall for my age! (95th percentile).
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