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We are so excited it’s November! I’ve been looking forward to this month for what feels like ages. We’ve got our last 2 baby showers coming up soon (the next one is the 8th) and then we’re off to our final family vacation before little Eli gets here. While we’re in Missouri my brother and sister in law asked that I take a few pictures of their family. Let’s hope I get some good ones! I’m excited, but also nervous (but mostly excited).

My parents are heading back from Branson with us to work on the baby room and enjoy Thanksgiving, and I’m really looking forward to that too. It feels like it’s getting so close! We’re merely 10 weeks away from our due date. AH! But, we are mostly ready for Eli. We’ve got to get a few more necessities before he makes his appearance, but nothing too crazy.

Here’s me at week 30
Did y’all enjoy Halloween? We had a lot more visitors this year than last, even though it was raining and windy. I dressed up Kito, as per usual, but this year he did not like it! I think it’s because he is so fat he barely fit in his size medium outfit. I walked away from him after putting him in his costume and he just sat there mortified hahaha. Josh made an awesome death star pumpkin, but I think mine creeped at least a few people out, right? And Eli? He went as a ninja. True to form he kicked me to death all night. Must be all the sugar. Here’s a few photos of our Halloween.
Josh picked up the Halloween decorations this morning while I worked on our Thanksgiving wreath. We’re not skipping Thanksgiving like some of our neighbors, though I did wrap some Christmas presents already…and we bought a blow-up decoration for the front yard. It is awesome! To be fair, we’re handing off the gifts on the 20th of this month. Which reminds me, I’ve got to finish up the gift for my parents! Anyhow, there were Christmas lights all around the neighborhood last night.We’re not there yet people.IMG_6231                          IMG_6235IMG_6238
This week I’ve been doing a lot better about eating well. I feel like I’ve downed so much meat and nuts this week, but it seems to be paying off some. I’m still eating carbs and sweets, but I’ve been forcing down protein first.  I lost 2 pounds, but I’m still in the healthy weight range. I’m trying not to gain more than 35 pounds by the time I go to the hospital.
Weight Gain: 23 pounds at week 30.
Eli’s Size: He should be just barely under 3 pounds, or about the size of a cucumber. He’s working on getting his lungs developed and is trying to gain some fat
Cravings: Little Caesar's Crazy bread, french fries, cheese and chocolate fondue (I haven’t given in to any of these!)
Side effects: heartburn, hip pain, insomnia, Braxton Hicks
Belly button in or out? In! Hahah at least I’ve got that going for me
Most awkward moment? Not related to Eli, but having the medical director come in while I was eating tuna salad on crackers. Of course he came in while the cracker crumbled all over my face and he proceeded to ask me questions…while my mouth was full. Classy as always.  Also awkward? Cleaning the shower this morning. That belly is rough to work around.
Best moment? Seeing Eli stretched out in my belly. I could tell he was lying sideways because I could see him kick on one side and punch on the other. How fun is that? Also, having a really delicious lunch at Sushi Train with Josh today. I had spicy chicken mmmmm mmmm.
What we bought: I just ordered a maternity winter coat (will definitely need that in Branson, we froze last time), some extra maternity shirts (I was down to 4), and a seat protector for Josh’s leather seats. I also ordered Eli a little Snuzzler so his basinet is extra comfy. We got such a sweet surprise in the mail, where a family friend sent Eli a little diaper bag, changing station tote, on-the-go changing mat, Wub a Nub, and double hamper. I was so excited to get the diaper bag I started packing it! Don’t judge me.

So far I stocked the diaper bag with Eli’s going home outfit & backup outfit (who knows if he’ll soil it?), hat, socks, shoes, soother mini blanket, diapers, wipes, pacifiers, a pacifier clip, burp cloths, diaper rash ointment, a mini baby powder, our car seat cover that prevents the car seat from getting super hot, and a blanket (among other things for myself). I need to throw a bottle in there, but I’m not sure what else I’ll need. Maybe a Tide to go pen? Ha. I need one of those anyhow. Any ideas?

Well, I’m off. Have a great weekend!


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