We’re at week 32! Only 8 more weeks to go. Yesterday we had our final baby shower and it was just adorable. My in-laws threw us a Velveteen Rabbit themed shower. Take a look at these pictures my sister-in-law took of all the sweet decorations.

Isn’t it just adorable? I was so sad to tear down the diaper cake, but that wreath is going to go on his nursery door I’m sure. Eli is so lucky to have a crafty grandmother. Not only did she decorate the shower, but she also made him a ton of personalized burp cloths, onesies, pants, blankets, and bibs. Aren’t they soooo cute? I’m thinking about changing his going home outfit to be his little lion onesie she made him with his name embroidered on it. We’ll have to see!

Oh and that bear backpack! Isn’t it precious? I can’t wait to pack it up for him to go out to his Mimi’s. He’ll just love it.

Now for his week 32 check in…

Weight Gain: 29 lbs in 32 weeks. Crazy! I did gain 5 of those lbs when our fridge broke last week and we had to eat out every meal.
Eli’s Size: He should be about 3 3/4 lbs now and around the size of a squash. Josh came to the doctor’s appointment I had today with the intention of asking to see Eli, but he didn’t ask so we didn’t see him
Cravings: Little Caesar's Crazy bread, macaroni and cheese. I had some delicious mac n cheese at the Noodle Factory and we’re taking my parents out next week to the melting pot. I can’t wait to have some fondue!
Side effects: heartburn, hip pain, Braxton Hicks, breathlessness
Belly button in or out? In!
Most awkward moment? I can’t think!
Best moment? Getting pampered at a makeup party this past Saturday. So nice.
What we bought: The rest of our nursery supplies. Prints, picture frames, diaper pail, drawer organizers, storage bins, wet bag, baby powder, changing pad and cover, and a baby bath. Josh also made him a gorgeous toy storage bin. Pictures coming soon! It needs to be stained first. We should be working on the nursery next week. I cannot wait. I also bought this Gentle Birth Formula, but my doc wants to read the ingredients before I start taking it. We’ll see!
We are going on vacation tomorrow with my family! YAYYY!!! I’m hoping my niece lets me take her to the Butterfly Garden. Even if she doesn’t, we’ll have 4 days of no work and all play (and family!). Sooo soo excited. I think that’s it for now. I hope you all have a wonderful week.
Isn’t it just adorable? I was so sad to tear down the diaper cake, but that wreath is going to go on his nursery door I’m sure. Eli is so lucky to have a crafty grandmother. Not only did she decorate the shower, but she also made him a ton of personalized burp cloths, onesies, pants, blankets, and bibs. Aren’t they soooo cute? I’m thinking about changing his going home outfit to be his little lion onesie she made him with his name embroidered on it. We’ll have to see!
Oh and that bear backpack! Isn’t it precious? I can’t wait to pack it up for him to go out to his Mimi’s. He’ll just love it.
Now for his week 32 check in…
Weight Gain: 29 lbs in 32 weeks. Crazy! I did gain 5 of those lbs when our fridge broke last week and we had to eat out every meal.
Eli’s Size: He should be about 3 3/4 lbs now and around the size of a squash. Josh came to the doctor’s appointment I had today with the intention of asking to see Eli, but he didn’t ask so we didn’t see him
Cravings: Little Caesar's Crazy bread, macaroni and cheese. I had some delicious mac n cheese at the Noodle Factory and we’re taking my parents out next week to the melting pot. I can’t wait to have some fondue!
Side effects: heartburn, hip pain, Braxton Hicks, breathlessness
Belly button in or out? In!
Most awkward moment? I can’t think!
Best moment? Getting pampered at a makeup party this past Saturday. So nice.
What we bought: The rest of our nursery supplies. Prints, picture frames, diaper pail, drawer organizers, storage bins, wet bag, baby powder, changing pad and cover, and a baby bath. Josh also made him a gorgeous toy storage bin. Pictures coming soon! It needs to be stained first. We should be working on the nursery next week. I cannot wait. I also bought this Gentle Birth Formula, but my doc wants to read the ingredients before I start taking it. We’ll see!
We are going on vacation tomorrow with my family! YAYYY!!! I’m hoping my niece lets me take her to the Butterfly Garden. Even if she doesn’t, we’ll have 4 days of no work and all play (and family!). Sooo soo excited. I think that’s it for now. I hope you all have a wonderful week.
The theme of this bash is so pretty. I am glad that everyone had such blasting time in this party. We also hosted a surprise disco themed party for our younger sister. It was her 16th birthday and we threw fun bash at her favorite party venue New York. She enjoyed a lot on her special day.