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Counting Sheep

Little man does not want to nap today. Lately he’s been doing about 2 hours of naps per day (2 half hour naps, 1 hour nap), which is really not ideal considering he used to nap for 4 hours. I was hopeful it was a sign he was getting ready to sleep through the night! He wasn’t. He’s just too busy for naps. He’s got things to do people. That being said, they may add Josh and I to this list.

My goal was to spend one full day in pajamas not doing even one ‘chore-like’ activity. I wasn’t able to accomplish that- but I’ve got something to strive for. Maybe next week! Ah- I’ve got a 4 day weekend coming on and a getaway with Josh. I’m so excited! I’m also apprehensive about leaving Eli for the first time. I know I’ll push through considering the place we booked at does not allow children, but I doubt I’ll sleep very much. Time will tell.

Our weekend has been full of brunch, naps, church, shopping (loved Bellevue’s Farmer’s Market), pizza, and marathon tv watching. Sure chores were thrown in there, but I can’t really complain now can I? There’s always frustrating things to bear, but I’ve been blessed beyond measure.

What we bought: Soft, leather-soled shoes from Starry Knight Design. I saw them on a local co-op, but missed the buy date. They are apparently thin enough that babies easily figure out how to walk in them, but they provide protection and traction as well. He’s not there yet but he is pulling himself up to standing so hey, we’re ready. I also picked out his new car seat. He barely fits in his anymore. I mean, it’s tailored for up to 35 lbs, but the shoulders are at max height and he’s getting close to surpassing that.
Invaluable purchases: Our carrier. We use it way more than I thought we would. Sure, Eli love his stroller, but walking with him in the carrier burns more calories and is easier to navigate. I do wish we had gotten one that is ergonomic. I worry about his legs.  
Useless purchases: I bought a teething bracelet to wear. Yea- he’s not interested. Which actually makes sense to me. I mean, I don’t really want to teach him to gnaw on people anyway. He does love eating necklaces though- so hindsight says buy a teething necklace instead.
Best moment: Eli napping in my arms yesterday. He’s such a big boy! Usually he falls asleep and I put him in his crib, but I just wanted to savor the moment. He’s very happy exploring now, so I don’t get to snuggle him as much.
How my life has changed: Let’s just say, no more dangling earrings.

Eli: Week 32
I figured out how to pivot while sitting. This is perfect, because I like to see everything that’s going on. I tried to eat a fist full of Optimus hair that I was able to pull out in a deftly maneuver. I was so mad mom wouldn’t let me at least try some. I like to stand on the kitchen chairs and gnaw on the wood backing. They’re tastier than you might think. I will scream if I don’t get what I want (which is mostly cell phones, the iPad, and the TV remote), but I’m still the sweetest baby around. Screaming is still my favorite, but I’ve added d’s to my mumbling. Now it sounds like I say mama and dada. I’ve started to get on all fours and rock back and forth. Crawling is so close! 

Have a great weekend!


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