Where has the time gone? I can only get away with saying my baby is ___ weeks old for so long. His developmental cards even go from ‘12 Weeks’ to ‘4 Months’. It’s so fast! Oh this week has been a crazy one. I still don’t feel like I have my feet under me. I’ve been juggling my to-do’s much better (with the help of Josh, of course), but the work situation is still on shaky ground.
In Tennessee you get 16 weeks of FMLA for pregnancy and post partum. Twelve for standard FMLA and 4 for ‘Baby Bonding’. However, no one told me you have to use those weeks concurrently. So last week when I called Time Away from Work they assured me that I have 10 weeks of intermittent leave left. Okay, I thought, that makes no sense but I’ll take it. I figured I took 10 weeks leave so far, so I’d still have at least 6 weeks left. Flash forward to Thursday. A knowledgeable Time Away From Work rep called to inform me that actually I have 58 hours of time left to use intermittently, so really I can only go part-time for 3 weeks without repercussion. Blah.
He’s still not in our choice daycare. They’re saying it will be late April to early May, so even if I take those 3 weeks to work part-time he may still be in his current childcare conundrum. It’s hard enough leaving him as it is, but to leave him in a place that isn’t your choice but is your only option is even worse. On top of that I just find myself thinking “What’s the point?” I spent my entire paycheck on daycare for this past month. I actually am in the hole considering I had to fill up twice as much with the extra driving. So really I paid out of pocket to miss out on 8 weeks with my baby. I’m leaning hard toward quitting, but before I do I’m looking into working from home. So far HR has denied me, but my boss appealed to them again. I wish I could concretely say what will happen this next week, but we never really know what the future holds do we? Even when we think we do.
On the feeding front (don’t say I didn’t warn you) Eli breastfed last night and this morning! I was shocked. He hasn’t actually fed from me since he was 2 days old. Sure, he’d latch, but then he’d either be a “lazy” feeder and starve himself (their term, not mine) or would cry and cry until he was given a much easier to drink bottle. It bothered me at first, but then I got used to it. Well Thursday night he started coughing a bit and by Friday he had a full-on cold. I knew I could make better targeted antibodies if he would just latch, so we tried it and it was like he had never had any issues. He fed no problem. Of course it was incredibly painful and there were no angels singing in the background or anything, but it was nice knowing that with some work I wouldn’t have to be attached to a pump for hours on end. Hello summer vacation! I kind of want to call and gloat to that lactation consultant who told me when he was 6 weeks old he “missed the window”. I definitely will need to figure some things out though. I had no idea if he ate enough so we fed him more and ended up really overfeeding him. He was not a happy camper. Anyhow, we also have a bit of a stash going now. Two and a half full days worth. Oh! And….we reached the 12 week mark and we let Eli sleep as much as he wanted last night and he slept 7 hours! Woohoo! Prior to this we were waking him to feed every 4 hours (the woes of an exclusive pumper, you don’t have an “established” supply until then). Ah- much better.
A few pictures from my week. I guess I’m still in the “flower” stage of photography haha

What we bought: A Nose Frida. It works so well. The concept is disgusting, but there’s a filter people! Just don’t think too hard about it. I also got some Easter items for Mr. Eli. I’ll take many ridiculous pictures to share with you, don’t worry.
Invaluable purchases: Again with the Little Remedies new parent survival kit. The fever reducer saved our sanity. This really cute owl humidifier also did the trick to help ease Eli’s congestion.
Useless purchase: We bought a short white bulb aspirator before he was born. It’s easier to get on-target (ah hem, his nostril), but it didn’t work worth a lick.
How my life has changed: Every meal I make is either a casserole I can pre-make on the weekends or a 30 minute meal. Time is of the essence. I consider getting up at 6 am “sleeping in”. I really believe going errand shopping is like taking a mini vacation. I find myself being concerned that I don’t know enough nursery rhymes. I know that there’s a Little Einstein YouTube station and I’m not afraid to use it. I call Josh “dad” which I know might confuse Eli when he gets older and I’m talking to my father. Hahah I know it did me when my mom would talk to her dad or talk about her dad when my dad was there. Enough dads in that sentence? Confusion galore.
I wasn’t on the ball about taking pictures this week. Sorry my Wyoming family!
Eli: Week 12

This week I had my first unscheduled doctor’s appointment. I was just getting rid of some extra uric acid, but it sure scared my parents. The funny thing is, after I went to the doctor I caught my first cold featuring coughs, sneezes, a fever, and a runny nose. Then they really worried. It didn’t really bother me though. I just slept and carried on like the happy baby I am. I weigh 13 pounds and 13 oz. I like to pull on Optimus’ jowls. Mom was worried this might tick him off, but he just licked my feet. When lounging at an angle I began pulling myself up into an almost sitting position all by myself, so I had my first sit in my bumbo and in my high chair. I was not impressed with either. If I have to sit, I’d much rather sit in my parents’ laps or lounge in my boppy.
Have a fantastic weekend everyone! If you find yourself praying please pray for some guidance and peace for me and my little family. Eli’s health could use some prayers too. I hate seeing my baby not feeling well.
In Tennessee you get 16 weeks of FMLA for pregnancy and post partum. Twelve for standard FMLA and 4 for ‘Baby Bonding’. However, no one told me you have to use those weeks concurrently. So last week when I called Time Away from Work they assured me that I have 10 weeks of intermittent leave left. Okay, I thought, that makes no sense but I’ll take it. I figured I took 10 weeks leave so far, so I’d still have at least 6 weeks left. Flash forward to Thursday. A knowledgeable Time Away From Work rep called to inform me that actually I have 58 hours of time left to use intermittently, so really I can only go part-time for 3 weeks without repercussion. Blah.
He’s still not in our choice daycare. They’re saying it will be late April to early May, so even if I take those 3 weeks to work part-time he may still be in his current childcare conundrum. It’s hard enough leaving him as it is, but to leave him in a place that isn’t your choice but is your only option is even worse. On top of that I just find myself thinking “What’s the point?” I spent my entire paycheck on daycare for this past month. I actually am in the hole considering I had to fill up twice as much with the extra driving. So really I paid out of pocket to miss out on 8 weeks with my baby. I’m leaning hard toward quitting, but before I do I’m looking into working from home. So far HR has denied me, but my boss appealed to them again. I wish I could concretely say what will happen this next week, but we never really know what the future holds do we? Even when we think we do.
On the feeding front (don’t say I didn’t warn you) Eli breastfed last night and this morning! I was shocked. He hasn’t actually fed from me since he was 2 days old. Sure, he’d latch, but then he’d either be a “lazy” feeder and starve himself (their term, not mine) or would cry and cry until he was given a much easier to drink bottle. It bothered me at first, but then I got used to it. Well Thursday night he started coughing a bit and by Friday he had a full-on cold. I knew I could make better targeted antibodies if he would just latch, so we tried it and it was like he had never had any issues. He fed no problem. Of course it was incredibly painful and there were no angels singing in the background or anything, but it was nice knowing that with some work I wouldn’t have to be attached to a pump for hours on end. Hello summer vacation! I kind of want to call and gloat to that lactation consultant who told me when he was 6 weeks old he “missed the window”. I definitely will need to figure some things out though. I had no idea if he ate enough so we fed him more and ended up really overfeeding him. He was not a happy camper. Anyhow, we also have a bit of a stash going now. Two and a half full days worth. Oh! And….we reached the 12 week mark and we let Eli sleep as much as he wanted last night and he slept 7 hours! Woohoo! Prior to this we were waking him to feed every 4 hours (the woes of an exclusive pumper, you don’t have an “established” supply until then). Ah- much better.
A few pictures from my week. I guess I’m still in the “flower” stage of photography haha
What we bought: A Nose Frida. It works so well. The concept is disgusting, but there’s a filter people! Just don’t think too hard about it. I also got some Easter items for Mr. Eli. I’ll take many ridiculous pictures to share with you, don’t worry.
Invaluable purchases: Again with the Little Remedies new parent survival kit. The fever reducer saved our sanity. This really cute owl humidifier also did the trick to help ease Eli’s congestion.
Useless purchase: We bought a short white bulb aspirator before he was born. It’s easier to get on-target (ah hem, his nostril), but it didn’t work worth a lick.
How my life has changed: Every meal I make is either a casserole I can pre-make on the weekends or a 30 minute meal. Time is of the essence. I consider getting up at 6 am “sleeping in”. I really believe going errand shopping is like taking a mini vacation. I find myself being concerned that I don’t know enough nursery rhymes. I know that there’s a Little Einstein YouTube station and I’m not afraid to use it. I call Josh “dad” which I know might confuse Eli when he gets older and I’m talking to my father. Hahah I know it did me when my mom would talk to her dad or talk about her dad when my dad was there. Enough dads in that sentence? Confusion galore.
I wasn’t on the ball about taking pictures this week. Sorry my Wyoming family!
Eli: Week 12
This week I had my first unscheduled doctor’s appointment. I was just getting rid of some extra uric acid, but it sure scared my parents. The funny thing is, after I went to the doctor I caught my first cold featuring coughs, sneezes, a fever, and a runny nose. Then they really worried. It didn’t really bother me though. I just slept and carried on like the happy baby I am. I weigh 13 pounds and 13 oz. I like to pull on Optimus’ jowls. Mom was worried this might tick him off, but he just licked my feet. When lounging at an angle I began pulling myself up into an almost sitting position all by myself, so I had my first sit in my bumbo and in my high chair. I was not impressed with either. If I have to sit, I’d much rather sit in my parents’ laps or lounge in my boppy.
Mom, seriously?
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