Ah this week. What a rollercoaster. Sunday we had a great Easter with Josh’s family, but Monday started out with taking Eli to the doctor and finding out he had a “very bad” ear infection. I seriously didn’t notice him pulling on his ears at all and he did not have a fever when we took him in. He was even smiling at me in the midst of coughing. I don’t know how I was supposed to know. Next time I guess I’ll have a head’s up. On top of that he had a rash all over his body because I couldn’t find the time to get his Easter outfit washed. I figured hey, I know no other kid wore it around since there’s no dressing room in the store. I didn’t even consider that their detergent might hurt our little boy. So of course I called in to work to take care of him, which was okay but hard on my coworkers, since Mondays are the only days we are short staffed. I was also about to take a 6 week leave to take care of Eli, since Monday we had only a vague “late April to mid May” response as to when he would get into the program. My boss was not pleased. Needless to say we had a rough start. Then- it turned around. Eli finally got into his daycare and he is feeling so so much better. I’m happy to finally have a concrete schedule. As I chant to Eli when he is upset- “It’s all okay.”
Here’s a few pictures from this past week-

What we bought: Socks! He’s outgrown all but a few pairs
Invaluable purchases: Now that he’s sleeping in his crib (when he’s not sick) I love our Dlink camera so I can log into my phone and watch him. It has night vision and we have speakers so we can talk to him (even though I haven’t used the speakers yet). I also really love our Angel Care monitor. I don’t have to worry if he’s too hot or too cold, if he stopped moving or if he stopped breathing. Plus I love that it serves as an audio monitor and nightlight. Also- this kit came in handy this week.
How my life has changed: Everything I wear is baby friendly. I’ve been known to keep wearing clothing even after Eli spit up on them- but Tide to go pens are my best friend. My at-home life revolves around Eli’s naps. I’ve about memorized a few children’s books at this point.
Eli: Week 15

This week I had a fantastic Easter Celebration with my extended family. I loved all of it except the long car ride. I got to spend 4 days at home with my parents because I had my first ear infection. It still was a good week and I kept on smiling. Some things that make me smile now? Getting kisses, being cheered on when I practice rolling (haven’t quite made it all the way yet), and looking at the fan in mom and dad’s room. I like when my parents read me books and I picked out a favorite toy and blanket. I’m getting quite coordinated and can bat at things even when they move around. I like to watch other people, especially other children. I’m content just seeing what they’re up to. I love to kick; I especially like to kick armrests when I eat. I rub my eyes to let people know when I’m really tired.
That’s it for me this week! We’re off to have a date night/celebration of good news I’ll announce next week! Have a great week.
Here’s a few pictures from this past week-
Gifts from my husband
Mismatched vases, endless cleaning, baby gear everywhere, happiness and beauty all at once. That about sums up my life
What we bought: Socks! He’s outgrown all but a few pairs
Invaluable purchases: Now that he’s sleeping in his crib (when he’s not sick) I love our Dlink camera so I can log into my phone and watch him. It has night vision and we have speakers so we can talk to him (even though I haven’t used the speakers yet). I also really love our Angel Care monitor. I don’t have to worry if he’s too hot or too cold, if he stopped moving or if he stopped breathing. Plus I love that it serves as an audio monitor and nightlight. Also- this kit came in handy this week.
How my life has changed: Everything I wear is baby friendly. I’ve been known to keep wearing clothing even after Eli spit up on them- but Tide to go pens are my best friend. My at-home life revolves around Eli’s naps. I’ve about memorized a few children’s books at this point.
Eli: Week 15
Me and my Mimi, my favorite toy, smiling through the sickness
Thanks Ms. Sonja for the cute bunny eared hat!
That’s it for me this week! We’re off to have a date night/celebration of good news I’ll announce next week! Have a great week.
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