Happy Valentine’s Day! Josh and I don’t celebrate Valentine’s until the 15th, since I hate crowds and really any day could be Valentine’s Day, but tomorrow we’re planning on going to see Winter’s Tale (yay for girlie movies) and we may even grab some food while the in-laws spend time with our baby boy. I stopped by work yesterday to show Eli off and brought some Valentine’s Chex mix for my coworkers as well. I did get Josh a present to open when he gets home tonight, but today I wanted to share details of another gift I got him. Remember when I mentioned that I made Josh a new daddy gift? While it did play on the word ‘Pop’ it also had a deck of playing cards I personalized for him. I loved the idea of listing 52 reasons why I love him, and while I’ve seen some playing cards done up on Pinterest, most didn’t look very ‘finished’. So I used Word and Paint to come up with 52 captioned pictures of things I love about Josh before I plugged them into Printer’s Studio, who printed out the cards for a mere $7 with tax and shipping. I just love them. What do you think?

This week has been much much better. I’ve been able to work in a few crafts, which has helped me feel more like myself. I started a newspaper decoupage project that I hope to finish next week and I finished Eli’s going home outfit shadow box. I also hope to document Eli’s first Valentine’s Day tonight with this LOVE project. Poor Eli, his mamma is so sentimental.
Thank you everyone for your suggestions and encouragement. I am now physically well, which definitely impacts my mood. I realized a little late that while last week’s title was encouraging, the tone was decidedly depressing. That being said, this has been the best season of my life so far. Being a mother is incredibly difficult, but it is so worth it and is such a blessing. I wouldn’t trade this for anything. Eli fills my heart with so much joy!
What we bought: Nothing! I think this is the first week since I found out I was pregnant that I didn’t buy anything for baby boy
Invaluable purchases: Pacifier wipes- yeesh, especially with the dog hair- and gas drops. He doesn’t respond all that well to gripe water but the gas drops work wonders. Oh! And the bottle warmer. I didn’t know that having even slightly chilled milk can cause tummy pain and/or gas. I wish I would’ve known earlier. I figured he was drinking it a little cool so who cares? Whoops.
Best moment: Eli officially, without a doubt smiled! I was changing his diaper and he gave me the hugest, gummiest smile and then continued to coo and smile as I talked to him. He gives me at least a smile a day now, but I’ve yet to get it on camera. Also, it’s so sweet to see Eli calm down when he hears my voice.
How my life has changed: A certain little man has been taking over the bed lately. He’s going thru a stage where he wants held all the time. He’ll be fed, burped, changed, and sometimes even given gas drops if that seems to be bothering him, and he’ll still want held, or at least right next to you. He’ll be sound asleep in your arms and when you put him in his bassinet he wakes up and cries until he’s in your arms again. I really don’t mind. I love snuggling him, it’s so sweet! But it does break my heart to hear him cry and cry when I put him down so I can sleep, warm up a bottle or make myself lunch. Speaking of, I’ve been really bad about taking care of myself. I know I have to keep up my calories, but there have been days where I don’t eat until 2pm.
Eli: Week 5

This week I broke out my million dollar smile, but I haven’t let mom get it on camera yet. I discovered dad’s iPhone and watched a mesmerizing clip of Baby Einstein. I had my first excursion into the world (the pediatrician doesn’t count) when I went to work with mom for a bit. Everyone oohed and aahed over me. I did great! I didn’t even cry in the car like I used to. I burp best when mom and dad bounce me around a bit on their knee. I outgrew some of my 3 month clothes I’m getting so tall. I can’t wait to see how big I am in a few weeks. I like to kick while I eat and think the boppy makes a perfect lounge chair. Optimus is very interested in me and likes to comfort me when I get my diaper changed by staring at my face from 3 inches away. Kito isn’t around much, but he does sit under my swing sometimes.
I hope you have a day full of love!
This week has been much much better. I’ve been able to work in a few crafts, which has helped me feel more like myself. I started a newspaper decoupage project that I hope to finish next week and I finished Eli’s going home outfit shadow box. I also hope to document Eli’s first Valentine’s Day tonight with this LOVE project. Poor Eli, his mamma is so sentimental.
What we bought: Nothing! I think this is the first week since I found out I was pregnant that I didn’t buy anything for baby boy
Invaluable purchases: Pacifier wipes- yeesh, especially with the dog hair- and gas drops. He doesn’t respond all that well to gripe water but the gas drops work wonders. Oh! And the bottle warmer. I didn’t know that having even slightly chilled milk can cause tummy pain and/or gas. I wish I would’ve known earlier. I figured he was drinking it a little cool so who cares? Whoops.
Best moment: Eli officially, without a doubt smiled! I was changing his diaper and he gave me the hugest, gummiest smile and then continued to coo and smile as I talked to him. He gives me at least a smile a day now, but I’ve yet to get it on camera. Also, it’s so sweet to see Eli calm down when he hears my voice.
How my life has changed: A certain little man has been taking over the bed lately. He’s going thru a stage where he wants held all the time. He’ll be fed, burped, changed, and sometimes even given gas drops if that seems to be bothering him, and he’ll still want held, or at least right next to you. He’ll be sound asleep in your arms and when you put him in his bassinet he wakes up and cries until he’s in your arms again. I really don’t mind. I love snuggling him, it’s so sweet! But it does break my heart to hear him cry and cry when I put him down so I can sleep, warm up a bottle or make myself lunch. Speaking of, I’ve been really bad about taking care of myself. I know I have to keep up my calories, but there have been days where I don’t eat until 2pm.
Eli: Week 5
This week I broke out my million dollar smile, but I haven’t let mom get it on camera yet. I discovered dad’s iPhone and watched a mesmerizing clip of Baby Einstein. I had my first excursion into the world (the pediatrician doesn’t count) when I went to work with mom for a bit. Everyone oohed and aahed over me. I did great! I didn’t even cry in the car like I used to. I burp best when mom and dad bounce me around a bit on their knee. I outgrew some of my 3 month clothes I’m getting so tall. I can’t wait to see how big I am in a few weeks. I like to kick while I eat and think the boppy makes a perfect lounge chair. Optimus is very interested in me and likes to comfort me when I get my diaper changed by staring at my face from 3 inches away. Kito isn’t around much, but he does sit under my swing sometimes.
I hope you have a day full of love!
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