Good morning! Josh has had this song stuck in his head all week and rightfully so. It’s a breezy 57 degrees here on the second day of winter and it certainly doesn’t feel like Christmas is around the corner, but I’m so glad it is. I just love Christmas. I love giving people gifts. I literally think about it all year long and store ideas as I find them. I love baking, cooking Christmas Eve dinner, going to our church’s candlelight service, listening to Christmas music, and watching classic Christmas movies. I feel like this Christmas has been particularly special, being pregnant and thinking about what Mary must have gone through. How amazing is it that Christ was born for the very purpose of saving us? The love he commanded us to give one another is so palpable at this time of year. I challenge you to take a minute today to be mindful of this love, because it is all around you, you just have to look.
Yesterday we ran out to run a few errands (you know my Christmas shopping has been done for months) and it was a madhouse. I think we’re going to save the rest of our errands for after Christmas. Other than that one venture out, we’ve been pretty relaxed. We went out to lunch at Chuy’s Friday, watched 4 DVDs at the house- I think Monsters University was my favorite-, went for a walk, and made some Butterfinger Puppy Chow. All in all, nothing too hectic. Did anyone else get worried by the weather last night? We spent a little bit of time in our safe location when the tornado warning was going off and the power went out, but really that only lasted a small amount of time.
We had another doctor’s appointment this past Friday (also super busy because people want to use their benefits before the end of the year), but at this point they are pretty uneventful. Eli is full term and is doing great, but they’re a little concerned that I’ve been having headaches and seeing stars. They did some lab work just to double check, but I’m pretty sure the headaches can be attributed to work.
We broke another attendance/census record at work this past week. On top of that, we were understaffed due to training and people taking vacation days. Tomorrow is my last day before the baby is born. I can’t wait for it to be over, but at the same time I am dreading it. I’m dreading the day itself because I have so much to do and, again, we’re understaffed. I’m also dreading having nothing to do for the next few weeks, especially if Eli decides he’s comfy and ends up not coming until the 9th. I’m hoping to see a little bit more progress next week.
Here’s week 37’s check in:
Eli’s Size: He should be about 6 1/2 to 7 lbs and around the size of a Winter Melon, whatever that is.
Cravings: Chick Fil A Milkshakes, French Fries, water, barbeque
Side effects: heartburn, hip pain, swollen feet and hands, headaches, seeing stars, random cramping in weird locations, itching to the max
Belly button in or out? pretty much flat, but you can see a little bump
Thing I miss? Having more energy, having a glass of wine
Most awkward moment? Fitting 2 adults, a very large dog, and a medium puppy in our 1/2 bath because it’s ‘safe’. Goodness gracious good luck to us when Eli is born.
Best moment? Seeing a mother and her daughter bring a homeless lady a meal. I love that she is teaching her daughter to be loving and charitable, and the homeless woman’s reaction was priceless.
What we bought: I bought a Belly Bandit and a Post-Pregnancy Workout video. That’s another thing I’m apprehensive about, being larger than my ‘normal’ self for the rest of my life and either a) not caring or b) not doing anything about it. I want to be healthy and be around for my kiddos. I bought little Eli a car seat canopy and a car seat blanket so his blanket won’t fall off of him when I’m toting him around. They said in our baby class that if you cover the baby with a canopy, people are much less likely to get in his face, which is definitely a good thing during flu season.

Any progress? Yes! We’re 1 cm along, but no effacement. Why was I not told how painful it is for them to ‘check’. I would’ve honestly lied about having “pressure”. It worries me that I’m not effaced at all. Apparently most first time mom’s efface first then dilate. I’m trying to help him along, but I know all will happen when it’s supposed to happen. Worst case scenario we get inducted on our due date (and then I’ll have limited time home with him, boo!).
Well, I’m off. We’re planning to make pancakes, go to church, and then tonight hopefully we’ll make it out to Franklin to see Christmas lights. Proceeds go to charity! Try it out. Have a great week everyone.
Yesterday we ran out to run a few errands (you know my Christmas shopping has been done for months) and it was a madhouse. I think we’re going to save the rest of our errands for after Christmas. Other than that one venture out, we’ve been pretty relaxed. We went out to lunch at Chuy’s Friday, watched 4 DVDs at the house- I think Monsters University was my favorite-, went for a walk, and made some Butterfinger Puppy Chow. All in all, nothing too hectic. Did anyone else get worried by the weather last night? We spent a little bit of time in our safe location when the tornado warning was going off and the power went out, but really that only lasted a small amount of time.
We had another doctor’s appointment this past Friday (also super busy because people want to use their benefits before the end of the year), but at this point they are pretty uneventful. Eli is full term and is doing great, but they’re a little concerned that I’ve been having headaches and seeing stars. They did some lab work just to double check, but I’m pretty sure the headaches can be attributed to work.
We broke another attendance/census record at work this past week. On top of that, we were understaffed due to training and people taking vacation days. Tomorrow is my last day before the baby is born. I can’t wait for it to be over, but at the same time I am dreading it. I’m dreading the day itself because I have so much to do and, again, we’re understaffed. I’m also dreading having nothing to do for the next few weeks, especially if Eli decides he’s comfy and ends up not coming until the 9th. I’m hoping to see a little bit more progress next week.
Here’s week 37’s check in:
Eli’s Size: He should be about 6 1/2 to 7 lbs and around the size of a Winter Melon, whatever that is.
Cravings: Chick Fil A Milkshakes, French Fries, water, barbeque
Side effects: heartburn, hip pain, swollen feet and hands, headaches, seeing stars, random cramping in weird locations, itching to the max
Belly button in or out? pretty much flat, but you can see a little bump
Thing I miss? Having more energy, having a glass of wine
Most awkward moment? Fitting 2 adults, a very large dog, and a medium puppy in our 1/2 bath because it’s ‘safe’. Goodness gracious good luck to us when Eli is born.
Best moment? Seeing a mother and her daughter bring a homeless lady a meal. I love that she is teaching her daughter to be loving and charitable, and the homeless woman’s reaction was priceless.
What we bought: I bought a Belly Bandit and a Post-Pregnancy Workout video. That’s another thing I’m apprehensive about, being larger than my ‘normal’ self for the rest of my life and either a) not caring or b) not doing anything about it. I want to be healthy and be around for my kiddos. I bought little Eli a car seat canopy and a car seat blanket so his blanket won’t fall off of him when I’m toting him around. They said in our baby class that if you cover the baby with a canopy, people are much less likely to get in his face, which is definitely a good thing during flu season.
Any progress? Yes! We’re 1 cm along, but no effacement. Why was I not told how painful it is for them to ‘check’. I would’ve honestly lied about having “pressure”. It worries me that I’m not effaced at all. Apparently most first time mom’s efface first then dilate. I’m trying to help him along, but I know all will happen when it’s supposed to happen. Worst case scenario we get inducted on our due date (and then I’ll have limited time home with him, boo!).
Well, I’m off. We’re planning to make pancakes, go to church, and then tonight hopefully we’ll make it out to Franklin to see Christmas lights. Proceeds go to charity! Try it out. Have a great week everyone.
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