I was looking for ideas for a title that incorporated 21 AND 22 since a) I'm super creative #writersblock and b) I missed last month, and came across this...
21 Months
I say new words like… Dino, balloon, ball
If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Matthew 21:22
That pretty much sums us the past 2 months for us. We had put in an offer on a house and didn't get it, even offering 17k over asking. After that we decided building was probably the only way to move forward, but then the bank's assessment on the plans indicated that we would lose value building. The land alone is worth 100k, but after building a 525k house they estimated it would be worth 540k, not only losing the worth of the land but leaving us with 80k to scrounge up before breaking ground. We have been praying for what seems like years that God make it clear to us what we should do, that He provides a path for us, and then I just randomly was able to convince Josh to put in a low-ball offer on what is now our house. We were surprised to get this house, but I'm so thankful for it. Our mortgage went up by less than $300 instead of tripling as it would have with the custom house- and it's still fun to work toward a goal together. We are slowly remodeling and it will soon enough be just what we envision.
Excuse the crappy cell shot and lack of apples haha! But you get the drift
Some people have asked if it was worth it. Money wise- if we sell the land successfully- we'll be right on par with what we would have made had we stayed at Kirkbrook until this year. So if you look at just finances the answer would be, "maybe?" Our mortgage at the townhouse was less than our first home together, so we were able to pay off debt more quickly and that's a plus. If you take finances out of it though, I would say definitely. We were able to spend 2 years with our kids getting to see their grandparents almost weekly. We made new fun friends. We had experiences we wouldn't have had otherwise.
I say new words like… Dino, balloon, ball
My favorite food is...yogurt- but it gives me horrible contact dermatitis along with other acidic foods
My favorite toy is...any type of car, but lately it's been my black truck
My favorite toy is...any type of car, but lately it's been my black truck
Some other things I did include… walking sideways, trying to push my car out the storm door, trying to ride my car down the stairs and getting really mad when mom wouldn't let me, refusing drinks out of any cup I couldn't see through. I was tired of mom duping me. I put food on the floor and drive over them with my car to smoosh them and I cry for myself saying "baby! baby!" I discovered my shadow.
I say new words like… cookie, water, truck, helicopter, here, Jayci
My favorite food is... Pop Tarts aka cookies
My favorite toy is...my Thomas Train
My favorite toy is...my Thomas Train
Some other things I did include… squealing every time I see a semi truck. I went on my first extended family vacation to Branson, MO where I ate loads of popcorn, rode on a Ferris Wheel, and played in the wave pool (my favorite). I tease Peanut Butter by pretending to throw his ball, but really holding on to it. We moved to our new house where I love to run outside. I say three word sentences.
I do silly things like yelling," Las Vegas!" Mom asked me why I said Las Vegas to which I replied, "I'm not talking to you." Mom asked me if I had a headache and if my head hurt to which I responded, "No, my brain is just broken." I told mom Saba has a face just like God and I asked why a man was selling papers on the corner. Mom explained that he was earning money for food and housing since he didn't have any. I told mom we should just give him our old house since we didn't need it anymore. I told mom I didn't want Jesus in my heart because at church they told me I had to be born again, and I didn't want to be a baby. I asked mom why she takes pictures. She told me she likes to do it, and it lets her have extra money to go do fun things with me. I said, "Well....I take pictures too. I want to go buy a cheese pizza with the money I earned." I like to carry brother around.
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