I was going to wait to post this until after Eli's birthday party (we postponed it due to Anias' being ill and the weather being crap), but they're already changing so much!
Eli: FOUR Years Old
I tell mom "I brush my teeth all day long, so my teeth won't fall out and I won't have to go to the dentist!" I break out in sporadic prayer and some of them are so sweet. I prayed that our Heavenly Father would protect me from bad guy dreams and naughty guys (in life). I told mom "I love you will all my heart, all my soul, and all my paper." I love knowing what things say and am always interested in the 'no' signs. I asked for a Curious George, Fireman, Policeman, Car Wreck party. Mom did her best- and only realized later on I probably wanted a Rescue Bots/Curious George party. I call my ribs ribbons and asked for a hobo stick (pogo stick) for my birthday. Mom told me she loved me and I said, "yeah, well that's how life works." I made up a sweet song that goes "Mommy loves baby" on repeat that I sing to Anias at bed time and ask thoughtful questions like "Where was I when you and dad got married?"
By GravisZro - Own work, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=9547672
Eli: FOUR Years Old
I tell mom "I brush my teeth all day long, so my teeth won't fall out and I won't have to go to the dentist!" I break out in sporadic prayer and some of them are so sweet. I prayed that our Heavenly Father would protect me from bad guy dreams and naughty guys (in life). I told mom "I love you will all my heart, all my soul, and all my paper." I love knowing what things say and am always interested in the 'no' signs. I asked for a Curious George, Fireman, Policeman, Car Wreck party. Mom did her best- and only realized later on I probably wanted a Rescue Bots/Curious George party. I call my ribs ribbons and asked for a hobo stick (pogo stick) for my birthday. Mom told me she loved me and I said, "yeah, well that's how life works." I made up a sweet song that goes "Mommy loves baby" on repeat that I sing to Anias at bed time and ask thoughtful questions like "Where was I when you and dad got married?"

I have 16 teeth
I weigh 21 lbs 4 oz (26th percentile) and am 31 inches tall (41st percentile)
My favorite food is blueberries or pancakes
My favorite toy is hands down my little Dyson vacuum I got from mom and dad for Christmas
Some other things I did include… "winking", tickling, knocking on doors, giving sweet kisses, and standing on objects (boxes, chairs, toy trucks). I love to find my brother when we play hide and seek- though I don't cover my eyes or wait very long. I'm always tickled to "find" him anyway. I hold hands to pray and sometimes surprise mom by putting food in her hand. I love to spin, dance, and pull mom's hair. I show mom I'm extra happy by sloooowly closing my eyes in a tight squint with a special cheeky smile. I sympathy cry not only for my brother, but also for myself. If I see myself crying in the mirror I really get going. I was begging for coffee so mom gave in thinking I would spit it out and think it was gross, but instead I said "more!" I know where my nose, mouth, and eyes are. My head circumference is 18.62 in. (64th percentile). My favorite toy is hands down my little Dyson vacuum I got from mom and dad for Christmas
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