Put your thing down flip it and reverse it... I have been thinking about going back to work. I honestly believe this whole 'balance' thing is a lie. Isn't it? Does anyone out there really feel like they're doing their best in all areas? In any event, my current 'balance' is out of whack. When I was working I missed out on so much of Eli's life. I missed him. I would wake up at 5:30 and get home at 6-6:30 then go to bed sometimes at 7pm so I could feel somewhat rested since he woke up constantly and would stay up for hours. I feel really blessed to have been able to quit and spend the last almost 3 years with him, but it's getting to be that time again where I feel restless. I miss talking with other adults. I probably average 2-3 hours a week of adult interaction outside of my relationship with Josh and I need Eli to see other adults as his authority. I feel like I'm snapping at Eli a lot. I worry that the constant task of being his sole autho...
One girl's take on theme parties good food life