Y'all- it was a rollercoaster of a month. I would say so far in our marriage we've been blessed with mostly "for richer" periods of time. Sure there was the odd let's be really careful sort of month, but this month was so much harder than that. I can say if we didn't have a credit card some of our bills wouldn't have been paid we would have had to drain our savings. So many medical bills. So many surprises (fully busted car window for example). It was unexpected and pretty stressful, but God totally took care of us. I mean, I have no idea how we paid off nearly 4k in one month, but we did! I had extra jobs I wasn't expecting. We had a random 'oh you paid too much for your mortgage' check. The list goes on. I know we aren't remotely poor and I'm not pretending we are. I'm just saying- sometimes you get put in a pinch and you get through it and I'm so glad we seemingly are.
Week 31:
I like to stand up from sitting and mimik Eli when he growls. I love it when mom and brother clap and cheer for me. I hate peaches. I like to be tossed in the air and laugh at mom's electric toothbrush. I sign milk and wear 12-18 month clothes. I had my very first Easter. I found this Easter egg! I turned 7 months old.
Week 32:

I love stealing the remotes and clicking buttons. Only the remote that works for what we're watching will do- I'm smart enough to know if you've given me a decoy. I have funny breathless laughs and when I get going Eli thinks I sound like a panting puppy. I like hats and sunglasses- I won't take them off. I can pull myself up to standing and my head is a little too big for 12 month shirts.
Week 33:
I'm obsessed with other people's teeth and will pry open mom or dad's mouth to see what all those white things in there are. I pull mom's hair out and act surprised when she yelps- but then I get to giggling cause hey, I did that. I love standing and mama, and am the happiest when I can stand and hold onto mom. It sounds like I say 'dada' and I like to converse with mom and brother. One day I was sitting by brother and he had his shoes by our feet and I tried very hard to stick my foot in his shoe. I started clapping!
I told mom she was embarrassing me when she started singing along (quietly I swear!) to the song playing at Hobby Lobby. I say "Giant normal" instead of ginormous and I've been known to say "holy gosh". I introduced myself and brother as follows: "Hi, I'm Eli and this is my baby." I had my 3 year checkup and I was 40.5 inches (92nd percentile) and weighed 39.5 pounds (93rd percentile). I'm the size of an average 4 year old and should be 6'2" when I grow up. When mom is hurt I tell her I'll make her feel better by rubbing her back or playing with her hair- just like she does for me when I don't feel well. I call ear wax ear boogies.
Week 31:
Week 32:
I love stealing the remotes and clicking buttons. Only the remote that works for what we're watching will do- I'm smart enough to know if you've given me a decoy. I have funny breathless laughs and when I get going Eli thinks I sound like a panting puppy. I like hats and sunglasses- I won't take them off. I can pull myself up to standing and my head is a little too big for 12 month shirts.
Week 33:
I'm obsessed with other people's teeth and will pry open mom or dad's mouth to see what all those white things in there are. I pull mom's hair out and act surprised when she yelps- but then I get to giggling cause hey, I did that. I love standing and mama, and am the happiest when I can stand and hold onto mom. It sounds like I say 'dada' and I like to converse with mom and brother. One day I was sitting by brother and he had his shoes by our feet and I tried very hard to stick my foot in his shoe. I started clapping!
I told mom she was embarrassing me when she started singing along (quietly I swear!) to the song playing at Hobby Lobby. I say "Giant normal" instead of ginormous and I've been known to say "holy gosh". I introduced myself and brother as follows: "Hi, I'm Eli and this is my baby." I had my 3 year checkup and I was 40.5 inches (92nd percentile) and weighed 39.5 pounds (93rd percentile). I'm the size of an average 4 year old and should be 6'2" when I grow up. When mom is hurt I tell her I'll make her feel better by rubbing her back or playing with her hair- just like she does for me when I don't feel well. I call ear wax ear boogies.
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