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The saints in Light

Sunday we had the joy of being able to dedicate Anias in my in-law's church. I love baby dedications. They're a nice reminder that the way we raise our kids matters, and that the best way to do it is to give them back into God's hands. It makes me feel at peace knowing that other people are praying for our children. We chose Col. 1:9-10 for his verses, but Pastor Mike felt led to add 11-12 as well...

Colossians 1:9-12International Children’s Bible (ICB)Since the day we heard this about you, we have continued praying for you. We ask God that you will know fully what God wants. We pray that you will also have great wisdom and understanding in spiritual things. 10 Then you will live the kind of life that honors and pleases the Lord in every way. You will produce fruit in every good work and grow in the knowledge of God. 11 Then God will strengthen you with his own great power. And you will not give up when troubles come, but you will be patient. 12 Then you will joyfully give thanks to the Father. He has made you[a] able to have all that he has prepared for his people who live in the light.

He added..."Anias, be filled with the knowledge of God's will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding.Anias, walk in a manner worthy of the Lord.Anias, know God's pleasure over you in all respects.Anias, bear fruit in every good work.Anias, increase in your knowledge in God.Anias, be strengthened with all power according to God's might. Anias, enjoy the inheritance of the saints of light."
Anias was asleep in the beginning, but he woke up when the directives were being given and just gave the biggest smile. It was a beautiful dedication and service, filled with praise for the Father and the presence of the Holy Spirit. Anias means God answered, and we felt him answering our prayers for him in that moment.  Now, he didn't get to wear his fancy dedication outfit as he had an accident the minute we got there, but we got a few good pictures in the parking lot beforehand.

We finished the day up with a sweet little family party at Mimi and Sabbas where Granny, Cherie, Grant, Micah, Gabriel and Justin popped by. These cookies were made by Theresa's Sweet treats, aren't they cute?!

Week 26: 6 months old!

I started "drinking" from my very first sippy cup. Eli likes to sneak me water now and again in it, it makes him feel very helpful and big. I took my first ride in a swing as well. I wear 12 month clothes and I can sit for 45 minutes. I'm becoming interested in crawling and will lunge forward toward things I want. Once I realize I'm on my belly, though, I hate it. I love to chew on wires and scare mom to death.


I have been obsessed with reflections and deciphering between what is a shadow and what is a reflection. I opened my mouth and said mom, do you see my tummy reflection (pointing down his throat). I comfort baby by saying, "it's ok baby, there's no such thing as ghosts" and I get mad when Anias smiles when I'm crying. I tell him "it's not silly!" I call mom's curling iron a hair shark and when I get really mad I say "you're ticking me office." Mom's trying to break me of that. 

Well, our family is still sick. Anias just finished his second round of antibiotics which left him with a horrible diaper rash and Eli has a new virus which made him have an 102 fever with Tylenol. I just want to sleep. We didn't do cry it out with Eli and I do believe it's a form of learned helplessness, but y'all- I am so tired. I cannot live with this child in my arms 24/7. Pray for me. 


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