I'm hoping to fill this bit here with very good and exciting news next time, but for now let's get to what you come here to read... Week 27: I am always busy busy. Every time I roll onto my belly I try to crawl, even if it's in the middle of the night and I'm sleeping. I kick the chair while I eat and I pull off every sock I can to put it into my mouth. I love NPR and it helps me calm down in the car, even more so than music. I had my 6 month check-up and I weighed 16 lbs 10 oz (32nd percentile), was 26 7/8 inches long (56th percentile) and my head was in the 88th percentile! The doctor pushed for 3 meals a day to help me keep growing. I'm still a smartie. Week 28: I like to kiss myself in the mirror and I love splashing in the tub. Eli, in particular, thinks this is hilarious and once he gets laughing I get laughing. I laugh when mom blows her nose and I have a super ticklish belly. Mom thought I had an ear infection (it was on it's way- the doctor ca...
One girl's take on theme parties good food life