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Time for your checkup- time your checkup...

Ahhh- Eli has been on a Doc McStuffin's kick and that song won't get out of my head.

We had Anias' 2 month appointment this week, and the doctor confirmed that he has heartburn. He wasn't concerned about aspiration or weight gain, but did prescribe medicine because of the hours a day he was inconsolable. He said 1 of every 2 babies has it, and that they can outgrow it in as little as 4 months, so we'll reassess at his 4 month appointment. So far though, I think the medication has made a difference. Yesterday, after a few days of medication, he had maybe 2 hours of crying.

I have started adding things back into my diet, like cheese and... okay just cheese. I tried red sauce, strawberries, and milk again and so far it still seems to bother him. I'll give it another week and try again, but at least the cheese is back!

He also said that we shouldn't put Anias in church or YMCA daycare until spring because "it's an unhealthy time of year" with lots of RSV going around and he can't be immunized against the flu. This may interfere with my plans to get a break several times a week, but I'm sure the weight will come off in time. 
Today Eli peed on the stairs because I took too long to get his clothes after his bath. He opened the door to "get some air" outside alone while I put Anias down for his morning nap. He swung baby in his swing so hard I was afraid he might fall out. Anias cried all through nap time. Momma's tired.

Today I read them the entire Mother Goose book their Grandma Bee's gave them. I took them to the park, kissed away owies, did three loads of laundry, made three square meals, sang several lullabyes, and told them I loved them a million times. I managed to get Eli an hour and a half nap, prayed over them, held my temper, and gave big hugs. I looked them in the eyes and told them they are good boys.

Anias: 7 Weeks  

This week I graduated to size 2 diapers. I try to suck my thumb sometimes, but it just doesn't cut it. The binkie wins out every time. I'm not a huge fan of my swing, but I will tolerate it as long as some music is playing. I absolutely HATE the car and will cry the whole time unless mom is on the interstate playing soothing music like Beach House. I've got the need for speed! Today is Halloween, I dressed up yesterday as a cow for Trunk or Treat, and today I was a Brave's player and Toadstool from Mario. Mom and dad decorated a pumpkin that Eli picked out for me. The feet on the pumpkin are my actual foot prints! I'm really close to laughing.

Anias: 8 Weeks

I had my 8 week checkup and was 12 lbs 6 oz (74th percentile), and 23 and 3/4 inches tall (95th percentile). I gain 1.5 oz for every ounce other babies gain. I laughed for the first time awake when dad was making faces, and I did it again when Eli was playing Peek a Boo under a blanket. This week, my aunt Tiffany and cousin Kali came to visit! I gave them lots and lots of smiles and loved playing with aunt Tiffany on the floor.


I went trick or treating for the first time ever! Mom and dad still picked out my outfit though, so I had no idea what to say when people kept calling me Mario. I ran and ran and sometimes said 'trick or treat' and 'thank you'. I like to ask mom to roll down my window, but sometimes when she does I throw something out the window real quick. I tell mom to "buckle me out" of the carseat when we're done driving. One night I had a bad dream, so mom came in and rubbed my back. The next morning I repaid the favor and rubbed her back for her. I ran from mom at the airport, and tried to escape into the elevator. She's faster than you think!


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