Hooray for 4 day weekends! I feel so refreshed! Our little family had quite the time. Josh and I headed to Evin’s Mill Friday night after shopping and dropping Eli off at his grandparents. It was amazing. Seriously, it was super cute, the food was de-licious, the hike was gorgeous, and Josh and I had tons of quality time together. I almost forgot how funny he is. For the record I did not believe a racecar driver was, at one point, president (a-hem). Saturday was filled with more shopping, our first movie in an actual theater since December last year, and the first PSL of the season. We saw If I Stay , and although there was lots of sniffling going on, it was good. Josh even begrudgingly admitted that he liked it. Today I started working on expanding my portfolio so the people at the silent auction know what they’re getting with their bid. My friend volunteered her sister and her family, which was perfect on so...
One girl's take on theme parties good food life