We’re having such a nice lazy Saturday. Okay, it’s not all that lazy. The house is clean, a few loads of laundry are done, and errands have been run. I guess it’s lazy in that we napped, went for smoothies, and went for a walk. Eli has been sleepy sleepy today. He finally started feeling better Thursday, thank goodness.I think he’s rearing up for his dedication tomorrow. Maybe I just feel so relaxed because I’ve watched Baby Einstein lullaby and rocked Eli in his rocker for a good thirty minutes, or maybe it was the date Josh and I finally got to go on last nigh. 360 Bistro hit the spot! That burger was seriously the best burger I’ve had. They made it in the top 5 of my favorite restaurants. Of course Fleming’s is still #1. It could also be that we’re planning a little getaway for Labor Day. I digress, whatever it is- it’s awesome.
What we bought: A ball to bounce and roll. While at daycare he apparently was falling over laughing at a ball bouncing. We also got 5 Dr. Seuss books for $3.95 even with shipping and handling included. I was quite happy with myself.
How my life has changed: I never thought I would be laughing while cleaning up poop. Ha! Eli woke up in a mess so I ran to the tub while holding him away from me and he was giggling uncontrollably. I guess that was my silver lining.
Eli: Week 28

I love doing trust falls from standing while my dad holds me. I babble like crazy and most of the time it sounds like “mama.” I’m wild and crazy and so full of energy. I like to roll and roll, sit up, pull on Optimus’ jowls, and pretty much enjoy life. I really really love to sit in front of my toy bin and pull out all the toys I can. The mini soother blankies are the most fun to pull on. I love apples more than any other food and now I’m eating real food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I have such a big appetite!
I hope you all are having a great weekend too! I’ll bore you to death with tons of photos from Eli’s dedication tomorrow!
What we bought: A ball to bounce and roll. While at daycare he apparently was falling over laughing at a ball bouncing. We also got 5 Dr. Seuss books for $3.95 even with shipping and handling included. I was quite happy with myself.
How my life has changed: I never thought I would be laughing while cleaning up poop. Ha! Eli woke up in a mess so I ran to the tub while holding him away from me and he was giggling uncontrollably. I guess that was my silver lining.
Eli: Week 28
I love doing trust falls from standing while my dad holds me. I babble like crazy and most of the time it sounds like “mama.” I’m wild and crazy and so full of energy. I like to roll and roll, sit up, pull on Optimus’ jowls, and pretty much enjoy life. I really really love to sit in front of my toy bin and pull out all the toys I can. The mini soother blankies are the most fun to pull on. I love apples more than any other food and now I’m eating real food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I have such a big appetite!
I hope you all are having a great weekend too! I’ll bore you to death with tons of photos from Eli’s dedication tomorrow!
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