This will be short and sweet. We’re getting ready to go on Eli’s first real vacation! I’m so excited, but also very busy getting 3 people packed up. Who knew babies needed so much? I mean, I guess I packed both he and I in one suitcase for our 4 day trip, but now he needs his stroller and pack n play, etc. I can’t wait for him to enjoy the splash park and meet all of his cousins. Wish us luck on this 8 hour drive! Goodness.It will be so worth it though. What we bought: A little pool floater for Eli. More saline for his nose. Invaluable purchases: haha I’d have to say the baby bath with the sling (see below). Also our glider. I use it for those middle of the night feedings. It puts Eli right to sleep. How my life has changed: We watch television on almost mute now. Don’t wake the baby is a definite rule here! Eli is grouchy if he doesn’t sleep. Week 20 This week I figured out that if I lift up my feet I’ll spin around in my jumper. S...
One girl's take on theme parties good food life