Ah this week. What a rollercoaster. Sunday we had a great Easter with Josh’s family, but Monday started out with taking Eli to the doctor and finding out he had a “very bad” ear infection. I seriously didn’t notice him pulling on his ears at all and he did not have a fever when we took him in. He was even smiling at me in the midst of coughing. I don’t know how I was supposed to know. Next time I guess I’ll have a head’s up. On top of that he had a rash all over his body because I couldn’t find the time to get his Easter outfit washed. I figured hey, I know no other kid wore it around since there’s no dressing room in the store. I didn’t even consider that their detergent might hurt our little boy. So of course I called in to work to take care of him, which was okay but hard on my coworkers, since Mondays are the only days we are short staffed. I was also about to take a 6 week leave to take care of Eli, since Monday we had only a vague “late April to mid May” response as to when he wo...
One girl's take on theme parties good food life