It’s about time for CHRISTMAS VACATION! Woot Woot! I can NOT wait to see my family. Eli’s already had one of his three Christmases, but it won’t feel real until the calendar reads 25 December. So, before we do his recap, here’s a little about our week. On the sleeping front- we are trying out a little mash up or tips and tricks. Thinking from purely a learning perspective, I think Eli is waking often because he’s getting lots and lots of positive reinforcement in the forms of rocking, singing, nursing, snuggling, etc. So here’s our game plan- first we play detective. At first and second wake up we make sure he’s not in pain, that he’s not gassy, that he doesn’t need a diaper change, and that he’s not hungry. After that if he wakes we’re sort of doing the pick up- put down method and decreasing the positive reinforcement, so he’ll get rocked, then held, then patted and sung to etc. At last resort (after an hour) we let him cry it out for a max of 10 minutes then we start over. He’s al...
One girl's take on theme parties good food life