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Showing posts from 2014

Oh Christmas Tree

It’s about time for CHRISTMAS VACATION! Woot Woot! I can NOT wait to see my family. Eli’s already had one of his three Christmases, but it won’t feel real until the calendar reads 25 December. So, before we do his recap, here’s a little about our week. On the sleeping front- we are trying out a little mash up or tips and tricks. Thinking from purely a learning perspective, I think Eli is waking often because he’s getting lots and lots of positive reinforcement in the forms of rocking, singing, nursing, snuggling, etc. So here’s our game plan- first we play detective. At first and second wake up we make sure he’s not in pain, that he’s not gassy, that he doesn’t need a diaper change, and that he’s not hungry. After that if he wakes we’re sort of doing the pick up- put down method and decreasing the positive reinforcement, so he’ll get rocked, then held, then patted and sung to etc. At last resort (after an hour) we let him cry it out for a max of 10 minutes then we start over. He’s al...

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Well, it’s official. I got a letter in the mail saying that I am no longer employed. It’s very bittersweet and kind of odd having no safety net, but I’ve been so busy I’m glad to have those 10 hours a week back to myself. I have been on the go for weeks now. Last week was dominated by illness and this week has been total catch-up. I have a feeling it will be like this until the new year, but at least I’m busy doing fun things. Josh and I are doing our Tennessee Christmas on the 19th then I’ve got my next gig on the 20th and extended family Tennessee Christmas on the 21st. I’ve also got a photo shoot plus our party give away which will take place while I’m on vacation, so I’m prepping for all that. For the give away we’re doing a Pearls and Poinsettia’s Ladies Luncheon with 5 courses. I’m hoping it will be very classy (and delicious). Of course I’m most excited for the dessert course, but that’s neither here nor there. I’ve also begun preparing for Eli’s CAT Construction party. I’ve...

A Day in the Life

I’ve been wanting to take on this challenge for a while now, so here it is. A full documentation of one day in Eli’s life. 6:40 Wake up, play with the blanket Mimi made me in my crib while talking to myself merrily (and loudly) until mom comes to get me. 6:45 Mom comes to save the day! After a diaper change, I cruise around, play with my pull puppy, and push around my chair while mom picks up. I get quite upset that mom won’t let me play with her camera. 7:00-8:00 Breakfast! I have a bit of apple juice and some beet-strawberry puffs.  When the real food comes out I refuse it, thinking perhaps mom will relent and let me have some of her cow milk drenched cereal. She doesn’t. I finally have most of my pumpkin cranberry mix while sitting on the kitchen floor with dad, but only after he lets me try to put the cap on myself. I pull down most of my fridge magnets cheerily. 8:00-9:00 Play with mom and dad, the puppies, and my toys until I start getting grumpy from tiredness....

Still Thankful

I’m a little late. Between Thanksgiving, having my family here, promoting Polished/Homemade and Eli getting sick it’s been a bit much to blog. But here I am, a day after Eli’s doctor appointment, more optimistic and energized. I spent most of the day washing linens and disinfecting pretty much everything. Poor baby boy. He’s got his 4th ear infection and the flu. I’m glad they finally referred us to to ENT surgeon to discuss tubes. I don’t know if we’ll do it or not, but like the doc said, we need to get the conversation started. He is SO much happier today than he has been, but he’s still whining a lot and is clearly still recovering based on his 3.5 hour nap and general lack of appetite. By the way, the doc said that she’s seen more flu cases in the past week than she has in 2 years- and- we all had the flu shot. Be careful out there! It was so nice having family in town. I secretly love being a tourist. We went to ICE , which to be honest was a bit of a disappointment. Why is it ...