Josh and I had our doctor appt. Tuesday and the doc said he is 95% sure of the gender!! We’re keeping it semi-to ourselves until we tell my family which is taking what feels like forever. I wanted to tell them in a fun way that didn’t favor any one person, so we ordered gender reveal scratch-offs to send to everyone in the mail. I’m so excited! This is what we ordered…

We got the scratch-offs here, while the bumble bee envelopes were custom made using Zazzle. Neither are in yet, so my poor family will have to wait.
You probably can’t read the back of the envelope, as the image is tiny, but is says, “Will little Ms Elodie Ann or Mr Eli James be joining the family?” These are our official names! So why did we decide on these two? We wanted names that honored our heritage, but also honored God. Check out our rationale below.
Eli (Meaning: Ascend; my God) James (Meaning: Supplanter; chosen to honor Josh’s paternal grandfather, James)
Other considerations:
Other Considerations (all with the middle name Ann)
We got the scratch-offs here, while the bumble bee envelopes were custom made using Zazzle. Neither are in yet, so my poor family will have to wait.
You probably can’t read the back of the envelope, as the image is tiny, but is says, “Will little Ms Elodie Ann or Mr Eli James be joining the family?” These are our official names! So why did we decide on these two? We wanted names that honored our heritage, but also honored God. Check out our rationale below.
Eli (Meaning: Ascend; my God) James (Meaning: Supplanter; chosen to honor Josh’s paternal grandfather, James)
Other considerations:
- Lincoln (Lakeside) Gentry (Nobility of Birth)
- Noah (Comfort, long-lived) London (Our favorite destination)
- Callen (Rock)
Other Considerations (all with the middle name Ann)
- Olivia- to honor my maternal grandfather Oliver, who always had a joke ready and was so generous. This was our first choice, but it's become so popular that we didn't want her teacher calling out "Olivia!" and having 20 kids turn around expectantly. We would've nicknamed her Liv or Olive
- Audrey (Noble strength)
- Isobel (God is my oath)
- Christabel (Beautiful Christ Follower)
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