Anias turns two today! We already had his birthday parties, as I get to work this Saturday and Josh works on Sunday. We threw him a car themed party, as our boy LOVES cars. He would get so excited seeing the decorations. Everywhere he went there was a beloved car.
I made his photo display out of a hula hoop I painted black with white dashes on them like a road. Then I strung some pretty ribbon between and photoshopped cars with the month number on each one and finally I added some car stickers.
The first day it was nice enough to play outside, but for his friend party we had to bring it inside due to rain.
The car wash was for sure the biggest hit. Eli, of course, had to spray his own self as 4 year olds do.
Playing with his cousin Lincoln.He got a little distracted coloring the cars ha!
He couldn't figure out the car photo booth- he just wanted to look at it from the front ha!
He had to bring his new camper toy with him to blow out candles. I didn't know he was so shy! Once we started singing he was done.
I'm pretty sure he didn't eat any cake either. It was all about that camper.
On his actual birthday we had a pancake breakfast and made him a number 2 shaped pancake (I stole it from a friend) and then had some cake in leftover car boxes from his second party. All in all, I think he was spoiled and happy. He's having a hard time adjusting to life not being all about him again ha!
I say new words like… Love ya, Roy, High five, help, hop, hike, cool
My favorite food is…cheese sticks. Mom has been having a hard time getting me to eat
My favorite toy new Poli cars. When I opened them I insisted on sleeping with them and woke up saying "HI!" before screaming because I couldn't find Roy (the other robocar).
Some other things I did include...jumping and hopping everywhere, pretending to be stuck under the couch and yelling 'help' until someone gets me out (only to get right back under). I play pretend with my brother a lot and I can count to three. I love to make people laugh and I only will eat if I can sit on mom or dad's lap. I love to run and go hiking and I wear my new shoes around and tell people they're cool.
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