Well, Anias cried for nearly 5 hours straight this morning and I have a 4 day long headache (allergies?) so this is going to be a short one! I finished up Anias' projects a few weeks ago, but forgot to post pictures so here they are. We did the same for Eli, so it's nice to keep it going. I made these modge podge collages from the daily newspaper on their birthdate and they both have quotes from this book , which ironically we don't own. I had my 6 week follow-up and am down 20 lbs, but I'm hoping to get some of that other 30 off soon. Getting a little break at the Y will be nice too. Anias: Week 5 I only woke up once at night twice this week! I'm starting to outgrow 3 month clothing, especially those pants with the feet. My feet are just too big. I accidentally rolled over on the couch this week, but mom doesn't count it because of the big dip she made on the couch cushion while she was pregnant. I'm still a smiley and happy boy, even thoug...
One girl's take on theme parties good food life