Here we go again! This time around I do feel less stressed and more laid back about a lot of things- I don't wake up a million times at night to make sure Anias is still breathing like I did with Eli. I try to limit it to 1-2 times, ha! I don't meticulously count his diapers, or chart how long he feeds, or any of those things I was so stressed about the first time around. On the other hand, things can be more difficult too, even with all of the help I've had with my parents being here. I've been lucky that Eli has been able to take a nap the same time I finish feeding Anias every day, and apparently Anias has been napping at that time too so my fingers are crossed! But- Eli, while he does keep me company and watch Netflix while I feed Anias several times a day, also does some crazy things which are hard to stop while you're mid-feed. He told me he was going to go for a walk and that he needed my camera to take a picture. Luckily one I was able to prevent and the ...
One girl's take on theme parties good food life