My project is officially done! Eli turned two just a few days ago and enjoyed partying with his friends and family. He ran around, played games, and ate a ton of cake. I can't believe he actually slept after consuming so much sugar. I really enjoyed this project, it helped me be more present with Eli and really pay attention to how he was growing and changing. I will still be blogging monthly and probably won't be able to stop myself from adding a few Eli related details here and there. This year I decided to create my own happiness project . Gretchen Rubin did her own project (and wrote a book about it) which has been on my mind for years. The goal is to identify 12 things you believe may benefit you in some way and choose one a month to focus on. If it helps you- you keep it, if it wasn't so helpful, ditch it. My original January goal was to do yoga daily and I'm failing miserably, but I am meeting another goal of ditching coffee (boo!). So let's pretend that...
One girl's take on theme parties good food life