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It’s a….

Boy!! We are officially 100% sure that our bundle of joy will be a little boy. I can tell you, my family had so much fun with the scratch-offs. My grandparents were the first to get theirs, so my grandmother immediately grabbed my brother’s mail (they live next door to each other essentially) and ran down so they could have theirs too. There were many excited phone calls. My sister and mother have already gone out to shop for our little one. The spoiling can now begin haha!

We spent quite a bit of time this morning getting to see little Eli during our doctor appointment. It’s crazy how fast they grow! I was just telling Josh I remember when we had just found out we were pregnant and he was the size of a poppy seed. Wow! Today we saw his kidneys at work, his spine, his little feet kicking like crazy, and his adorable profile. I planned to put up ultrasound pictures, but our scanner is on the fritz.

I can’t stop buying things for our little boy. I talked Josh into buying him this sweet rocker, as he totally missed out on a dragon rocker when we out consignment shopping. You’ve got to move fast at those things. “It will be there later” is not true there. I think this rocker will look awesome in our forest-themed room. I also made these really cute clothes dividers for mere $10. I honestly think the most expensive part were the stickers! See? I can branch out of our theme a little bit.
The baby room is kind of driving me crazy though. We haven’t gotten a dresser or anything to actually store his stuff in, so it’s just sitting around in there. Hopefully we’ll make a little progress on that this month, as we ordered a dresser yesterday. We’ve agreed that we’re done shopping for Eli from now until December. Someone’s got to curb my buying right?

We’ve been SO busy lately, not necessarily prepping for baby either. In the past two weeks we’ve had a Norwex brunch, a work pool party (only the kids got in, it actually ended up being pretty fun), and a date at Old Spaghetti Factory to go to a Murder Mystery Dinner.

The Norwex brunch was pretty awesome. I knew the products were good, but I had no idea. Now I love hosting parties for any occasion, but this was pretty sweet. I got to have my friends over, feed them, and got rewarded with products in return!  Oh my goodness, I got the mop set, a microfiber cloth, laundry detergent, baby body towels (apparently really good for cradle cap), a makeup remover cloth, a fruit & veggie cloth, and a fabric brush that actually gets dog hair off of our suede leather couches all for…. free. Seriously! I would highly recommend hosting a party.

I did get a few new accessories to spruce up the living room, just to make it homier. Here’s my TJ Maxx haul.
Now for the food, I experimented and tried out a new potato cake recipe and a baked eggs recipe on my guests. I would not recommend the potato cake recipe (even though I got a request for the recipe, they were very bland), but the eggs were pretty awesome. You should seriously try this out.

Well, I’m off. I just got back from dinner with my friend Dominique and I am just so tired! Only 10 days until Vacation!! I so need it. My middle name right now is ‘Compassion Fatigue’.  Hope you all have a great week! Optimus says hello!


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