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Showing posts from January, 2013

My I don’t have to run day

I’m finished with the 30 Day Photo Challenge (in my opinion anyway)! And- it only took 3 months to do. Maybe I should create a 90 Day Photo Challenge with 10 challenges total. That I could do on time, hey I might even come in early. Ladies and gentlemen I give you my final two photo challenges.                          Day 23: Sunflare                                                  Day 27: From a distance That sunflare was going a little crazy eh? Technically I didn’t do day 30 (a self-portrait), but I’m going to save that for a special occasion. Hey, I don’t get in front of a camera for nothing. So it’s Sunday! Josh and I...

30 Day Photo Challenge: Week 4

Well, well…I might just finished what I started (albeit not in the suggested timeframe). I have to admit, I generally work really hard until I have 10% of the task left to do and then I procrastinate. I’ll even do this at work. I’ll write 29/30 notes but then put off that 30th one like it’s going to give me the flu. Anyhow- I tried to complete everything today, but a sunflare (day 23) was literally impossible. It’s completely overcast people. From a distance (day 27) is also missing, but I swear we went out to take pictures and it started raining. I did get a pretty cool picture of some blackberries (or something) with water waiting to drip off of them though so it’s okay. And you know day 30 (self-portrait) may never get completed, but there’s always tomorrow. Let’s see the damage. I hope you’re ready for Optimus overload. Day 22: Hands (my husband looking at this is why I’m broke on his iPad) Day 24: Animal (umm…I think I completed day 24 many, many times). Yep Optimus is wearin...

Welcome to the Throne Room

Our master bath is DONE! I can’t even say how happy I am that we no longer have all white walls with all white towels and not one item on the walls. Want to see the finished product? I thought so. Here was the inspiration Links to inspiration here: Mr & Mrs ., Hydrangeas and Blue , LOVE sign , Striped Walls And now for our bath. I bought the LOVE letters (hehe) at Hobby Lobby for $3 a piece. Then I spray painted them with gold metallic paint ($5). We spray painted 8 nails and just nailed them to the wall (after Josh drilled the holes for the nails). Totally worth $17. I love how they turned out. And my favorite part … Isn’t Josh just the cutest child ever??? We had our parents send us pictures of us in the bath when we were kids (they just snapped a picture of a picture with their phones and texted the photo). I am in the yard because, hey, I’m the 4th child and the earliest picture of me in the bath was at age 4 or 5. Not quite what we were going for. Anyhow, I  us...

Cookie Monster

Just the other day I was talking to my friend Jayci (love you!) and the inevitable question came up, “What have you been up to?” Of course I said “nothing much” because my instant thought was “I bought some sheets!”, which I think might have been a sadder response. I have been incredibly boring. No wreath hangs on my front door, no party is being planned, no new pictures of my puppies. Nope, I’ve been running errands, doing laundry, and trying to find out where that smell is coming from (Optimus, of course). Hence, the bare blog. I did make some kicking gingerbread cookies which are officially my favorite. They were also the favorites of the recipients of my Christmas cookies so I highly encourage you to try them. I added about 1/4 tsp of nutmeg, cause hey, who doesn’t like spice?  I think the other winner was my peanut butter reindeer cookies . If not for taste, then at least for cuteness. I was too cheap to buy mini brown M&M’s, hence the demonic looking reindeer in the ba...