I've reached my psychological limit here. I know people believe that babies will come when they're ready, but in my mind there's nothing wrong with trying to encourage him. I can't force him to come when he isn't ready, but I can surely make it easier for him, right? There's very limited evidence in natural induction remedies to begin with, but it makes me feel better- like I'm controlling what I can. Some snarky sanctimommy on a random forum was lecturing about how people are horrible mothers (even before their child is born) for trying any induction method and she couldn't understand why. Personally, I have been nauseated for the past 28/38 weeks. I can't sleep, I have been vomiting acid 2-3 times weekly in this home stretch, and I am just. plain. uncomfortable. My joints hurt, I have constant headaches, and I am a super grouch to be honest. I am so ready to meet our baby, and I have confidence in his size. As for his health- he's been shak...
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