It was a good month! Eli was a shark for Halloween, we went to Boo at the Zoo, and we had a great vacation in Kauai, Hawaii. I think I pretty much covered the highlights already, so we’ll just skim on past and get onto Eli’s update. Eli: 22 Months I say new words like… diaper, ewwwww, mango, everybody, penguin, chicken, grandma, naughty, Optimus, good boy, button, buckle, pickle, pizza, sorry My favorite food is pickles My favorite toy is my penguin or my raccoon. I pet my penguin’s head while I go to sleep. I also like to feed penguin with my sippy cup and put him in diapers Some other things I do include… saying my first string of three words (“Where are you?”), buckling seatbelts, calling people ‘babies’ and most animals ‘meow’ (cat), making grandma and Papa hold hands, and going on my first 5 hour plane to Hawaii where I threw a train at a sleeping woman’s head. While in Hawaii, I realized I hate the ocean. I was very scared and would only go into it if Papa or daddy was hold...
One girl's take on theme parties good food life