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Showing posts from June, 2015


Just here lately Eli’s been looking so big! I know it will only continue too. It makes me happy to see him grow, but it also makes me miss when he was such a tiny sweet snuggly baby (who didn’t get into the dishwasher and throw a plate on the floor- just for example). He is certainly a handful- from eating a half a tube of chapstick while I drove us to Kroger to using the bench to dive over the couch, he keeps me on my toes. I am so glad that he is such a happy child. He might grow up to be a mountain climber or a stuntman, but he’ll be happy while he does it. At least that’s my hope! Eli: Month 17 I say new words like… Kito, sit, coo choo, and no-nose (which means his nose) I weigh 24 pounds 6oz My favorite food is raspberries and the marshmallows from Lucky Charms My favorite toy is Optimus! He may be a dog, but he’s fun to play with Some other things I do include… answering every question with “no” (mom blames the book ‘Where are Baby’s Easter Eggs’), turning in circles with my...