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The weekend of parties

Friday we went out with Josh’s family to have a celebratory belated birthday dinner. Saturday we had my annual office party, Eli’s little friend’s 2nd birthday party, and then Josh’s best friend’s birthday party. Now today I’m off to celebrate one of my best friend’s birthday while Josh is off to a family gathering at his brother's. I’m going to make this super short and sweet. It’s been a busy weekend and I’ve got to get going!

Ah- before I update you on Eli- here is the finished product for my coworker. I made her some office décor that can be used just as trinkets, or as bookends, or as photo displays.
I actually quite like how they turned out. The best part? I had leftover wood, wood glue, modge podge, ribbon, etc. so I only had to spend $5 to finish it up. What do you think?

Eli: Week 31
                        After my second (and last) party yesterday. I was over it                                               I’m happy today! Let’s party more
This week I started sleeping on my tummy. This inevitably set off the baby motion monitor and scared my parents half to death! I started getting on all fours and am trying to crawl, so it’s only a matter of time. I finally was able to grab my Memphis Zoo tiger from the basket above my changing table. Every time I pull it down I get so bright with accomplishment. My fourth tooth finally poked through and I’ve been much happier since. I had my second ever swim in the pool. Mom’s coworkers just loved seeing me. They all oohed and ahhed over my beautiful eyes. They also were shocked with how tall I am! I went to the doctor this week for a minor cold. I am 18 pounds 11 oz! I’m wearing mostly 12 month clothes now.I went to my first birthday party as well. Mom says my first birthday will be in 5 short months. I can’t wait to finally get me some of that cake!  I love to stand on window sills and I love pulling myself up using the safety gate at the top of the stairs. I play with mom’s rings and I think painted toe nails look delicious.

Have the best weekend!



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