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Shark Week?

Happy Weekend! Our precious baby is sleeping in his swing like a champ, crossing his fingers hoping I’ll stop taking pictures of him. Can you believe he’ll be 7 months next week? He can look forward to more photos for sure.

This morning I got all amped up- ready to take the jump. I scheduled a hair appointment to have 8 inches chopped for charity (Pantene Beautiful Lengths). This is the before (and the after) picture. Can you believe it’s not long enough? The stylist said she can do it if I want a pixie. Um- no thanks. I don’t think I can pull that off. I’ll try again in December. Here we go again. Let’s hope Eli doesn’t pull it all out by then.
So that was not the highlight of our weekend. I think this was the highlight of our weekend. We paid off another loan! Now we feel B-R-O-K-E, but next month I’ll have that extra money to put toward our debt snowball. Ok- I know we're not doing the snowball right, but we're doing it. We’re making progress! Nearly $71,000 paid off since 2010. It’s a long road.

What we bought: Some Baby Einstein blocks. I still need 3 toys from this list to have it complete. Even if we don’t get all that though, I’m sure he’ll be fine.
Most valuable purchases: When Eli was teething this week he had a terrible cry! You just knew he was in so  much pain. Hyland's teething tablets worked so well! I'm glad our friend recommended them.
Useless purchases (for now): I did not need to buy an umbrella stroller months before he was even born. Also I bought a bottle assister which was useless. Eli can handle holding his bottles without it.
How my life has changed: I worry that I’ll hold Eli back socially. I go to daycare and drop him off. That’s it. No socializing with the other moms because frankly I need to get to work. If I have it, I’d rather spend 5 extra minutes with my family than making small talk with strangers. That being said, I don’t want him to be the kid who isn’t invited to so-and-so’s first birthday because I’m cold. Something to consider I guess. Also- last I checked I was 3 lbs from pre-pregnancy! I’m back in my old clothes! YESSSS!!! My body is definitely different though. Softer. I had always thought I’d be one of those lucky people who go back to pre-pregnancy weight without even trying in, oh, 6 weeks. I’m not. Oh well. I’m still proud of myself. That was a tough 16 lbs lost.

As requested, here’s Eli in his shark gear!
Eli: Week 29
I have discovered so much this week! One night while mom was rocking me in the glider, I realized there’s a fox on my wall! I pulled myself from sitting to standing using the arm chair, spun around, and dove over mom to touch it. I had my first ride sitting in the front of the shopping cart and I loved it! I like to squeal in delight and blow raspberries. I have a new cry that sounds like I broke my arm. I reserve that for teething. Speaking of which, my third tooth is poking through. I sleep on my side and I like to give mom and dad big open mouth kisses. I have decided to shun cereal and rice, so dad tricks me into eating it. I can stand while holding onto various things, but I can’t quite pull myself up from the floor…yet.
Have a great weekend!


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