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7th Heaven

Well, I feel like a sleep deprived zombie. I literally went one night this week getting 4 hours of sleep. Four. Segue to Friday night when he woke up 8 times. Please oh please let this 4th tooth poke through! I don’t know how people do this all night then work all day without making mistakes left and right- which is actually what I’ve been doing. People’s suggestions to get more sleep mostly include napping or sleeping when the baby sleeps. These, unfortunately, don’t work when you work full time. I love that I married Josh. If it were up to me I’d sit at home wishing and praying Eli would fall asleep, inevitably getting disappointed. He’s just like- hey we’re up, let’s go to Lowes and babyproof the house! Ha. I guess if you can’t sleep you may as well be productive.

Besides baby proofing, I was able to get my coworker Fawnie’s birthday present started. My sister-in-law got me a pretty cool wood embellished picture holder, which inspired her gift. Fawnie will start with us one week before her birthday, so I wanted to do something to make her feel included, but also wasn’t too elaborate since really I’m working with limited information about what she likes. She just mentioned that she needs office décor and based on what’s on her desk now (she’s been training part-time), I think she’ll like it. I’ll post pictures of it next week when it’s all finished!

By the way- I have no idea why I didn't see the comments section on Blogger until today. My bad ! Please forgive my poor form. Also- I'm almost at 12,000 page views. Crazy! I know that's practically nothing in the 'real' blogger world, but thanks everyone!

What we bought: This parum pum pum drum. I got it on sale at Target for $18! That’s half priced what you can expect from Amazon. Eli loves it! We’ve already gotten plenty of use out of it.
Most valuable purchases: His grape teether, Enough said.
Useless purchases (for now): Um- rice and oatmeal. I mean, it’s not useless for other people but Eli steel jaws it the minute he knows you’re trying to sneak it to him. We’ve tried different kinds, flavors, sneaking it into fruit, etc. He’s not having it. Also- his baby brush. Baby boy doesn’t have much hair! I’m sure he’ll easily make it past 1 year with no cut.
How my life has changed: I listen to NPR most of the time when I’m in the car. That and the Christian radio station. You never know what kind of lyrics your babe will be exposed to. I mean, I know he’s 7 months but he’s listening attentively already. This is also why I have a nursery rhyme Pandora station. My old self is probably mortified. My mom self is cool with it.
Eli: Week 30. SEVEN Months!
I like to communicate mostly in screams now a days. Happy screams, mad screams, screaming just to scream. You name it. I’ve been working on my fourth tooth for the past few days and have been sitting like a champ. No more trust falls, just falling on purpose so I can work on scooting on my belly. It’s my precursor to crawling so get ready! I love listening to music, especially when I’m tired. I like to drum on everything, so mom and dad got me my own drum set. I decided to graduate from my baby bath to the regular bath and it was so much fun! I was so excited to catch my floating frog. I had my first bites of vegetables. I like carrots! I’m much more independent now than I have been, but I still love my parents. I love being upside down and sometimes I steal other babies' toys at daycare. Don't tell mom.

Have a great day!


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