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Showing posts from February, 2018

We Did It: My Version of the Debt Free Scream

Y'all, after 5 years and 2 months we finally did it! We're debt free! To celebrate I wanted to recap the journey for us.  Five years ago at Christmas we were gifted one of Dave Ramsey's debt free books. I don't even recall which one, but I do recall feeling compelled to get out of debt. At the time Josh and I had been married for 7 months. I brought in 60k in debt to our marriage: 40k in graduate school student loans, 20k in a new car. He brought in debt too- some student loans and car loans. It wasn't stressful to pay our bills, but seeing how much I paid in interest was frustrating.  We were off on a pretty good start. We had over 100k in debt, which isn't ideal for sure- but we did cash flow our wedding and trips- and we took some good trips! Now I should say we did a modified version of Dave Ramsey. There were things that we did that were off- like taking vacations for example, but honestly- I don't regret it. We didn't accrue debt for that a

Little Love Bug

Anias is 17 months old! He's wild and crazy and fits right in. We just got home from Wyoming Monday night after a little 2 week jaunt of just us two. I'm still super unprepared for life. We haven't had groceries since I got home. I haven't done laundry, went shopping, or even unpacked. It's a little hectic right now, but it was worth it!  Anias: 17 Months Figuring out Zippers I say new words like… Uh oh, nuh uh, snack, grandma, papa, dad-dy, There he is!, yum, love you I have  17 teeth My favorite food is still eggs and blueberries My favorite toy is my toy Dyson or my trucks Some other things I did include… learning my body parts. I dance to Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes where I know every part (plus my belly). I've figured out doors and you know I'm running if my hands are in the air. I love dogs and like to feed not only Peanut Butter, but characters on tv and the iPad. I bring whatever clothes are nearby for mom to put on m