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Another Nursery

I just got back from a girl's trip to San Antonio, which was so nice. Of course my son is retesting all of his boundaries, like I suddenly changed my mind and he is now free to plug in curling irons and drink out of the milk in the fridge- straight out of the carton nonetheless, but it was totally worth it! I did miss his sassy sweet face.

My two sisters and sister-in-law all have birthdays in April and my mom sometimes likes to surprise them with trips and such. She's not the most tech savvy person in the world, so I came to the rescue and was repaid in a 5 day getaway filled with seeing my best friend, having delicious food (I mean, two steak dinners, TWO people), shopping, and some major sightseeing with my favorite ladies. We're more than family, I actually like them all and consider them friends. We went to the Riverwalk where we meandered and had a little boat tour, almost passed out at the Tower of Americas because I kind of forgot to eat, took a day trip to the beach at Padre Island by Corpus Christi where we camped out right were they found a body hours before, and toured the Alamo. Oh and my bff Jayci took me to El Mercado which was awesome.  I am worn out in the best way and so thankful for some time to rest. 

I'm looking mighty massive. My sister in law said she thought she looked my size a few weeks before giving birth. I don't doubt it! This baby has been A-C-T-I-V-E. I first felt him/her move at week 14 and s/he keeps it up on the daily. 

Week 16:

Baby's Size: Avacado
Cravings: Funyons, hot chocolate
Symptoms: same old symptoms, but add in some finger swelling and heartburn. Oh and my armpits hurt all the time. Winning.
Cravings: lemon squares 

Week 18:

Baby's Size: Sweet potato
Symptoms: crying at everything in existence and I still have some wicked nausea; oh! Don't forget the Charlie horse's
Weight gain: 22 pounds- holy moly
At the doctor: baby's heart rate was 150 bpm again on April 7

We find out the gender in two weeks and will be ordering gender announcements to send out to loved ones then, so I'll divulge our names then. Eeek! For now, you'll have to settle for some loose ideas for the nursery.

If we have another little boy we're planning an ocean at night theme. Think whales, boats, blues, maybe an elephant or two and lots of stars.

Elephant in boat, boat at night, lamp, striped crib sheet, inspiration for dresser, whale crib sheet, scripture print, elephant bin (we have a fox one for Eli we love, whale print, anchor boppy cover.

For a girl I'm into mermaids, flamingos, and of course an elephant or two in a hot air balloon wouldn't hurt anyone.
Elephant in hot air balloon wallpaper, flamingo lamp, M is for Mermaid print, peony wallpaper, flamingo mobile, flamingo painting, mermaid scales crib sheet, mermaid bed sheet, inspiration for dresser, black and white print, flamingo stuffed animal, scripture print, mermaids have more fun print, seahorse boppy cover

No matter what gender our baby is, I'm having a custom family mobile commissioned. So cute! 
Family Portrait / Personalized Family Dolls . BABY NEW ARRIVAL -  Made to order


Eli went on his first ever Easter egg hunt. He also was jumping on his bed holding onto the strings on his drawstring pants. He looked at me and said "Kite. Eli a kite". He loves his aunt Shiree and calls her "my Shiree". We took him to Dunkin' Donuts one time and ever since he asks for donuts whenever we're in the car. He likes to flatten my wait hair into "pancakes" and will pat my shoulder and comfort me when I get emotional and cry. He picks out things for baby, like he'll show me a bottle for "baby's juice" and he picked out a bassinet he really wanted me to buy for baby. When Josh takes him to pick up groceries he gets him cookies. He was hiding one in his pocket, waiting for them to almost be done shopping before he gave it to Eli. Eli saw him hide it though, and told Josh "I need a hug" so he could snatch that cookie out of Josh's pocket. He can identify stars now.

That's it for us! 


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