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It’s Your Day of All Days

It’s been a full year and one week since our lives changed forever. Our little guy is so sweet and smart- it’s been a joy. A lot of work and sleepless nights and stress and worry- but always joy. I wouldn’t change it for anything.

On the sleep front- Well, I don’t know what my assessment is. On the one hand, he’s gotten down to only waking once a night now that we’re home and back on a schedule. He’s going to sleep now without me holding him, but with me just singing to him in a chair next to his crib. This also means that he’s got to be feeling better. On the other hand, when he does wake he’s up for 2 hours. More often than not one of us takes him to the guest room to sleep with him while the other gets some (much needed) rest. With me, he’ll wake repeatedly even doing this- and it would be nice to spend a whole night a) asleep and b) asleep next to my husband.

On the feeding front- we made it! We made it all the way to a year. Now we’re on the task of weaning. I started introducing cow’s milk. He’s unimpressed. He will straight up throw his sippy of cows milk on the floor. So, we’re working on it. I don’t mind too much since he’s been constantly sick. At least I know he is getting some antibodies. Hopefully he’ll be fully weaned by spring and I can use my Pangaea gift card for some new tops. Woot woot!

Useless purchases: The molar muncher. It’s too big for his mouth and he’s not impressed. Granted he’s not working on his molars yet, but he does have some back teeth in.
Most Awkward Moment: Not this week- but an awkward moment that stands out- mindlessly vacuuming only to find my diamond bracelet stuck in the vacuum. Eli had apparently found it when he was emptying my vanity one day, as he so often does while I get ready.
Best Moment: Having our friends and family over to love on Eli for his birthday. He got really into the punch game and the picture stand.
How my life has changed: I feel like I am sick all the time now! Usually I get sick 1-2 times a year but now it’s way too frequent. If I could get some sleep I think it would be better? I did start going to the chiropractor late last year which really helped with the chronic post-partum hip pain. I’d recommend it.

Eli: Week 52 (Documenting on week 53)
Crazy hair from “washing” hair after lunch

I’m in the 51st percentile for weight and 89th percentile for height and I have TEN teeth. I pick my nose and point at my head when mom sings Head & Shoulders Knees & Toes. At meal time I sit with one leg out of my high chair. I’ve been practicing using my fork and spoon, and after meals I “brush” my hair with my dirty spoon and wash the table with a washcloth. I’m so big! I also help with laundry by pulling out the clothes from the basket then putting them back in. I love to take my pants off, like any good boy would. My favorite non-word is “Bap” which my parents think either means up or dog. I’m really good at copying and love to put my toy safety goggles on my face. I have a new face to let everyone know I am displeased, but I also learned to smile for the camera and I throw my head back now when I laugh. I love my finger puppet books and I can maneuver my way onto things I shouldn’t get onto. For example, I stacked my toys below me to get onto the coffee table and used mom to get myself on the chair (then used the chair to get onto the dining room table). Kito likes to sleep by my door to keep an eye on me. Mom and dad threw me a CAT themed birthday party and I had the most delicious chocolate cake, but I did get mad when the cake got on my toe. There were so many people at my party who loved me. Happy birthday to me!

To see more pictures from his party click here!


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