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A quick break for my 75th load of laundry

We’re one week away from dedicating our sweet baby boy. We spent yesterday searching for the perfect suit for the occasion, but after Eli and Josh got sick we settled for a less formal outfit from a very close Target. The invitations have also been sent out! I ordered some simple invites from Staples, believe it or not. I only had a two week notice so I wanted to make sure they got in on time. So be on the lookout for these invites friends.
Our friend Brittanie also agreed to make him a cake! I can’t wait to take about a million pictures.

Eli had been sleeping in 6 hour blocks of time again for part of the week (yay!), but then for the past three nights he’s been up every few hours (boo!), Oh well. Our doctor gave us the standard 6 month pamphlet saying that we should let Eli cry it out at night if he wakes up. I can’t do it. I’m of the mindset that he’s crying for a reason, and even if that reason is he wants a little cuddle, it’s my job to meet his needs. Yes I’m sleepy, but this won’t last forever and I guess I get a little extra time with my little man. The other night, he was whining a little after I laid him down, but every time I came into view he would start to giggle. It was so cute!

In other news, I finally finished up my vanity! I really really love it. I think the decision to put fabric inside of it was one of the best I’ve made. Other changes I made? New knobs, a hint of salmon pink inside of the drawers just because, a stylish carved wood addition to the mirror frame, and a fresh stain. I also had Josh cut the jewelry box to a smaller size so I could actually use the top area for my hair dryer and curling irons. What do you think?
What we bought: A new roller rattler. I like to give Eli something to play with while we shop, so that could be an expensive habit that I’ll need to stop soon.
Invaluable purchases: Our Scentsy buddy made a huge difference in how Eli’s room smells. BUT- I need to buy some refills. This solid food transition is no joke. Yuck.
How my life has changed: I am much more present in life. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been more purposeful about it, or if it comes naturally with parenthood. I’ve taken the time to actively practice mindfulness at times when I’ve been stressed, and those are some of my favorite memories. Just me and Eli, swinging on the back porch or praying before he goes to sleep (again).

  Eli: Week 27
I started reaching for my parents this week! It’s really quite adorable. I’m very photosensitive like my mommy and will wake up if my night light is too bright. I throw my arm over my eyes to help me sleep. My favorite toy is my jumperoo. I pretty much hog it at day care, so my grandparents got me one for my house! Although, water bottles are a close runner-up. I do a lot better in the car, but I still can’t stand being in the car for more than 15 minutes or so. I’ve been sitting up a whole lot, but I still do the trust fall a little too often for my mom’s comfort. I had my first experience swinging by myself at the park. I was too tired to like it at the time, but a sweet neighbor girl named Lithia stepped in and pushed me.  I decided that I hate pears, but I still have a big appetite. While mom rocks me to sleep I love to look at my bear on my wall that papaw painted for me.

I would’ve taken more pictures if I knew he was going to get sick this weekend. Have a great weekend! And pray for our sick little family. Viruses are no fun.


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